Tuesday, October 7, 2008

'It's a form of torture'

In 1998, five Cuban men were arrested for infiltrating groups in the US that were plotting attacks on Cuba. They have not received a fair trial and two have not seen their families since. Duncan Campbell reports

UK’s Personalities to File a Petition in Favor of Cuban Five
HAVANA, Cuba, Oct 6 (acn) A high level delegation will hand in a petition to the US Embassy to UK on October 7 calling for visiting rights for the wives of five Cubans imprisoned for ten years in the US for defending their country against terrorist attacks, announced the London-based Cuba Solidarity Campaign. A press release sent to ACN by the organization says the petition is endorsed by over 10,000 signatures, including MPs, nine Nobel Laureates, and personalities from the worlds of media, law and arts. The document calls for justice for the five and their families and refers in particular to two of the wives of the Five, Olga Salanueva and Adriana Pérez who have been denied visas to visit their husbands in US jails since their trial. The women’s husbands, René González and Gerardo Hernández, are two of five men known as the Cuban Five, who following an unfair trial were found guilty of “acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government” and related charges. They were monitoring extreme right wing paramilitary groups operating out of Florida who are responsible for launching terrorist attacks against Cuba, explains the announcement. According to the report, there will be a candlelight vigil with around 500 people expected to participate also in front of the US embassy in honor of the Cuban Five. The delegation handing in the petition includes: Tony Woodley, joint general secretary, Unite the UK’s largest union; Gerry Fernandez, international director, United Steel Workers, USA; Father Geoff Bottoms, Catholic priest and campaigner on this case; Steve Cottingham, Lawyer, OH Parsons; and Rob Miller, director, Cuba Solidarity Campaign.

Steven Soderbergh Criticizes Washington’s Hostile Cuba Policy
HAVANA, Cuba, Oct 6 (acn) US movie maker Steven Soderbergh criticized the US economic blockade of Cuba by describing it as senseless and a policy only supported by a small circle of people.Soderbergh made his statements after the presentation of his film “Che”, during the inaugural ceremony of the Morelia International Film Festival, which opened in the Mexican city of Michoacan, PL news agency reported. The US film maker said he has never understood the US presence in the Cuban territory of Guantanamo, since the occupation by a foreign country of the territory of another nation in order to keep a military base is unthinkable. Washington’s occupation of Guantanamo seemed something strange at first, but now it has become a tragedy, said Soderbergh, who is the director, producer, screenwriter and photographer of his film about the Cuban-Argentinean revolutionary fighter Ernesto Che Guevara. The US film maker said he was attracted by Che´s personality and his adoption of revolutionary action. Soderbergh, who won an Oscar in 2000 for his movie Traffic, explained that there are many ways to approach the personality of Che, and that his film obviously perceives Che from the perspective of a non-Hispanic person.

Hurricanes sweep food shortages back into Cubans' lives

Gobierno de Cuba descarta "hambruna" por escasez provocada por huracanes
LA HABANA (AFP) — El ministro de Economía, José Luis Rodríguez, descartó este lunes que en Cuba se desate una" situación de hambruna" debido a la escasez de alimentos provocada por el efecto destructor de dos huracanes hace un mes."No hay razones para especular ni levantar expectativas de una situación de hambruna. Ninguna de esas cuestiones tiene ninguna razón de ser en nuestro caso", dijo a la televisión el también vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros que encabeza Raúl Castro.Los huracanes Gustav e Ike barrieron toda la isla en la primera quincena de setiembre, dejando pérdidas de 5.000 millones de dólares, cosechas arruinadas, almacenes de alimentos derribados, y granjas pecuarias afectadas.El golpe tuvo un efecto inmediato en la venta de productos agrícolas, que descendió un 80% de agosto a setiembre, según cifras oficiales, y se mostró en un rápido desabastecimiento en los agromercados.Rodríguez aseguró que "está garantizada la alimentación de la población", pues el país dispone de inventarios para casos de catástrofes, prevé importaciones de alimentos en 2008 superiores a los 2.000 millones de dólares y está en condiciones de realizar compras adicionales."Si es necesario (compras adicionales) se hará y se dispone de los medios para ello", afirmó.Admitió que tardará tiempo estabilizar la producción y venta de alimentos, aunque "se han adoptando medidas para ordenar la distribución de los alimentos que disponemos a partir de un control sobre la especulación por la vía de limitar los precios en los mercados de oferta y demanda y de aumentar la oferta en los mercados agropecuarios estatales".El ministro dijo que la industria alimentaria está aumentando la producción de leche y yogurt de soya, embutidos, pastas y otros alimentos para compensar la falta de productos en esta etapa.

“No habrá situación de hambruna en Cuba”, afirma ministro José Luís Rodríguez

Contra el bloqueo y por la ayuda humanitaria a Cuba
Oscar Niemeyer y la Red de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad - Capítulo Río de Janeiro, te convocan unirte a la lucha contra el bloqueo y por la ayuda humanitaria a Cuba
Red de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad Capítulo Río de Janeiro

Cuba espera abrumadora condena a bloqueo estadounidense

Cuba hopes for good tourism season amid problems

CUBA TRANSITION PROJECT: Islamic Investment in Cuba: Part II
( Islamo-phobia goes global, just weeks before the U.S.presidential election. Cuban diplomacy and the island'sexpanded economic ties has made helped the country to hold back Washington's relentless efforts to starve itinto submission. once again. Panic over this prevails among the policy-makers who refuse to accept the factthat Cuba, isolated from its historical and natural markets in the United States, has done what anyone inits place would do: to seek and to find alternatives to re-enslavement. And as this indicates, with solidsuccess as you'll see reading through these details.-Walter Lippmann -Los Angeles, California )

IPS: Cuba fears impact of financial crisis
HAVANA, Oct. 6 – Cuba fears that the current international financial crisis will affect its tourist markets and will reduce the number of visitors, in the middle of the recovery of that sector, which suffered a two-year decrease, affirmed Manuel Rodríguez, a Havanatur tour operator official.

Japan likely to resume insurance on exports to Cuba

Preguntas de un ciudadano a la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP)
Pascual Serrano

Caso Posada Carriles
Justicia made in USA, puro teatro
José Pertierra

Los cubanos formateados

Emerging Community of Bloggers?
By Dalia Acosta - HAVANA, Oct 6 (IPS) - Blogging has finally hit Cuba, despite the challenge of gaining access to the Internet and the limited number of home computers on the island, and the emergence of a Cuban community of bloggers may soon be more than just wishful thinking.

Entrevista con el escritor y traductor español Manuel Talens sobre su reciente libro Cuba en el corazón
“Tengo la obligación ética de ser amigo de Cuba”

Agenda Latinoamericana 2009
Hacia un socialismo nuevo: La utopía continúa
Pedro Casaldáliga