Reflections by comrade Fidel WE ARE AND WE SHOULD BE SOCIALISTS,
Reflexiones del compañero Fidel: SOMOS Y DEBEMOS SER SOCIALISTAS,,
The Price of Certain Debts
- Luis Sexto
No matter how high it flies, the eagle always looks down, to the next victim. Of course, the eagle knows how to hunt. To get involved in the war between Cubans and Spaniards at the end of the 19th century, they first relentlessly stated in the Hearts papers that pro-independence Cubans were savage, that they were atrociously waging an inhuman war. In the past days, marked by rains, winds and mourning, I received a message from a place in North America that I keep to myself for obvious precautions: “Please, do not accept anything free of charge from the US; any apparent humanitarian aid entails an unplayable price.” The person who sent the email, a Cuban settled there for many years, was afraid that history were to repeat itself.,
La agricultura en Cuba actualidad y transformaciones necesaria.,
Mercados en Cuba desabastecidos,
España, Argentina, Cuba y Uruguay han sido elegidos hoy por la Asamblea General del Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) para tener un asiento en la Junta de Gobernadores, el influyente órgano ejecutivo de esta agencia de la ONU que vela por la seguridad nuclear.,
Cuba is always willing to Assist other Regional Countries in Health Care
-HAVANA, Cuba, sep 4 (acn) Cuba is always willing to share its health care expertise and to assist other nations of this region, said deputy health minister Joaquin Garcia Salabarria, at the 48th Session of the Executive Board of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), held this week in Washington DC.Salabarría, who heads the Cuban delegation to the PAHO meeting, referred to the damaged inflicted on his country by hurricanes Gustav and Ike and he stressed the efforts being made by the Cuban people to recover from the damage, and the work undertaken by the island’s medical personnel in the current difficult times, according to a report by the Cuban Interest Section in Washington.The Cuban deputy health minister reiterated his country’s gratefulness for the solidarity gestures extended by institutions like PAHO and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as by many governments in the region amidst the devastation caused in Cuba by the recent storms. He also reiterated Cuba’s position of principles of not accepting assistance from those [the United States] who maintain a stiffened economic and financial blockade of the country for decades. During the opening of the session, OMS Director, Margaret Chan expressed her sorrow for the victims of the hurricanes and for the damage inflicted to health care facilities in Cuba and in Haiti. Several delegations extended Cuba their thankfulness for its support and cooperation.The Cuban delegation was made up of the Head of the Cuban Interest Section in Washington, Jorge Bolaños; the Head of the Foreign Affairs Department of Cuba’s Health Ministry (MINSAP), Nestor Torres; and other MINSAP officials.
Isla de la Juventud se recupera de los estragos de los huracanes,
Reedición juvenil de la Invasión de Camilo y Che
Jóvenes columnistas de Ciego de Ávila producen alimentos,
Much ado about the U.S. blockade of Cuba,
Cuba welcomes RN anti-drug ship,
Aniversario 32 del crimen de Barbados
Cortar las alas del terror,
Atención! La ONU. Hay niños prisioneros en Cuba ! (Final)
Mientras en el mundo hay un millòn de niños prisioneros, y otros 300000 participan de conflictos armados, ninguno de ellos es cubano,
Telecinco fomenta la prostitución infantil en Cuba
No era de extrañar que un mass media difamara a la isla. Lo que supera el insulto es el hecho de intentar hacer de la excepción una norma.,