Thursday, November 15, 2007

Elegirán 614 diputados al Parlamento cubano

(AIN) Unos 614 diputados al Parlamento Nacional y mil 201 delegados a las Asambleas Provinciales serán elegidos entre los más de 55 mil cubanos que integran las listas de precandidatos.El grupo comprende más de 37 mil 300 nominados desde los barrios entre el 1 y el 26 de septiembre como candidatos a delegados municipales, precisó Amarilys Pérez, presidenta de la Comisión Nacional de Candidaturas.También se encuentran los actuales delegados provinciales y diputados, y miles de personas procedentes de los más diversos sectores de la sociedad cubana, reporta el sitio digital Cubahora.La fuente precisa que de acuerdo con la ley electoral cubana, estas últimas son propuestas por seis organizaciones de masas del país, que incluyen el sector estudiantil, mediante el proceso de los plenos realizados por cada una, a todos los niveles.La funcionaria dijo que por esa vía ya existen casi cinco mil propuestas para diputados, lo que supera el número inicial, aunque la cifra se redujo, precisó, pues al cotejar las listas comprobamos que organizaciones y territorios distintos habían coincidido en no pocos casos.Añadió que lo anterior ofreció un primer elemento de juicio acerca del prestigio de los seleccionados.Las nuevas Asambleas Municipales, que se constituirán el próximo día 16, nominarán a los candidatos a delegados provinciales y a diputados a partir de las propuestas presentadas por cada una de las 169 Comisiones de Candidaturas Municipales.Los comicios provinciales y para diputados constituyen el segundo momento de las elecciones generales en Cuba, convocadas por el Consejo de Estado el 9 de julio pasado, concluye la fuente.
Trabajan por fortalecer las asambleas municipales del Poder Popular

El Presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos de la Asamblea Nacional sostiene que hay que potenciar la autoridad del delegado
Por: Yailin Orta Rivera
El Poder Popular cubano no es perfecto ni es una obra terminada. Es una estructura de gobierno joven, que se creó a partir de 1976, cuando entró en vigor la Constitución de la República de Cuba.,

Latin American and European Unionists Condemn US Blockade of Cuba
(acn) Leaders of trade unions in Latin America and Europe have confirmed their participation in the Sixth Congress of Cuban Workers of the Mining and Energy industries that takes place on the island on November 23-24.Some of those who have already sent messages confirming their presence include the French Federations of Workers of the Energy sector, the workers of the mining-iron industry of Asturias in Spain, the unions of energy workers of Ireland and Norway and the oil and energy workers of Venezuela, among others.These organizations promote, in their countries and also in international events, campaigns against Washington's financial, commercial and economic blockade against Cuba and in favor of the release of Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Fernando Gonzalez - internationally known as the Cuban Five - who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States for fighting terrorism.The program of the event includes a tour around several Cuban provinces where foreign delegates will have an opportunity to exchange experiences with workers and trade union leaders on the island.

Your Tax Dollars Spent In Cuba,
The federal government is dealing with fierce budget deficits -- and budget cuts, but did you know tens of millions of your tax dollars are being spent each year to put on a TV show?On a back road, which doesn't appear on maps, we found a stark looking fortress. A chain link fence surrounds the outside. The windows are covered.The U.S. government is putting on a TV show -- one that not everyone likes. Its called T.V. Marti. There's also radio Marti.Taxpayers are paying for funded broadcasts in Cuba. The are paying for the lights, the cameras and the action.The U.S., 46 years into its diplomatic war with Fidel Castro, is beaming news, talk shows, even anti-Castro comedy skits to the Cuban people. Hoping to inspire anti-Castro activists."Transition from communism to democracy is a very difficult and complicated process. So we expect to have a very crucial role in that moment of history in Cuba," said TV/radio broadcaster Clara Dominguez.They work with state-of-the-art equipment and in some cases brand new digital radio and TV equipment. It costs about $27 million a year to operate TV and radio Marti.But there's one big catch, they're not sure anyone's watching.For years, Castro has scrambled TV Marti's signal and punished those caught tuning in. Plus, critics said Cubans are now bored with the programming."It has a declining audience... And it just doesn't work. It's such blatant propaganda that people understand that this just isn't reality,” said Larry Birns from council on Hemispheric Affairs.Overcoming Castro's jamming techniques is costly, TV Marti flies military jets over the Florida Keys and uses them to relay the signal.They fly five hours a night. Every night!The cost to taxpayers is $5.9 million a year. TV Marti's director said it's worth it --- that Cuba's underground democratic activists are watching and learning."The Cuban government reacts extremely strongly to what we do. That to us is a true measure of effectiveness. If we weren't being effective, they wouldn't say a word. They'd just keep quiet and let it happen. But they are truly scared of what we do. What they do will likely become much more expensive soon. They'll expand operations to 24 hours a day when Castro dies. And bring in a 160 person staff,” said Alberto Mascaro from Office of Cuba Broadcasting.

US Radio Bombing of Cuba Found Illegal

Geneva (Prensa Latina) The World Radiocommunication Conference recognized Wednesday that US transmissions against Cuba are illegal, thus causing irritation among US representatives at the forum.After three weeks of negotiations, the conference of technical experts from several countries rejected this practice."Radio transmissions from an aircraft only toward the territory of another government, and without its consent," contravenes radio communication regulations," the conference decided.Diplomats interviewed by Prensa Latina said "this is a firm rejection of measures implemented by the Bush government in the last years.The plenary meeting also indicated that Washington has not stopped the prejudicial interference of Cuban broadcast services, despite several requests by the Radiocommunications Office.Regarding that, it urged the United States to adopt the necessary measures to resolve this and asked the International Telecommunications Union to inform on related progress in coming meetings.After the remarks, the US delegation decided to withdraw from the agreement and, clearly challenging the meeting, said the illegal transmission policy toward Cuba will be maintained.According to participants, with its stance the United States corroborated its disrespect of multilateralism, and its once again arrogant style in an international event

Foro interactivo "Cultura y mercado"
Estimados amigos y amigas:El viernes 16 de noviembre, entre las 10:00 a.m a 12:00 m. (hora de Cuba) se realizará el Foro interactivo "Cultura y mercado". Con la participación de Alfredo Guevara, Roberto Fernández Retamar, Ambrosio Fornet, Aurelio Alonso, Adelaida de Juan, Abel Prieto, Alpidio Alonso junto a destacados intelectuales de otros países como lo son: Alfonso Sastre, España; Ramón Chao, España; Santiago Alba Rico, España; Francois Houtart, Bélgica; y Atilio Borón, Argentina.Usted puede participar a través de:
Ya el foro está abierto, puedes enviar tu pregunta o comentario.

Rebelión en la Cumbre,

“Walsh nos demostró cómo un intelectual puede ser político”,

Delegados de 20 países americanos crearon nueva policía continental
BOGOTA (AFP) — Delegados de 20 países formalizaron el miércoles en Bogotá la creación de Ameripol, una policía continental que tendrá como prioridad la lucha antidrogas dentro de un conjunto de acciones contra el crimen transnacional, informaron las autoridades colombianas.Los representantes de las policías de la región aprobaron los estatutos del organismo, determinando que Chile ejerza su presidencia durante el primer período de dos años, informó la policía colombiana en un comunicado.Asimismo, los delegados -reunidos en el tercer encuentro de directores de policías de Latinoamérica y el Caribe- se fijaron como objetivo la "creación de un mecanismo que permita en tiempo real la asistencia técnico-científica y acciones de prevención y neutralización del delito".La Comunidad de Policías de América (Ameripol) dará preponderancia al combate al narcotráfico, pero también desplegará operaciones contra el terrorismo, la trata de personas, la falsificación y el lavado de dinero, el contrabando de armas y de material radioactivo y los delitos informáticos.La convención fue suscrita por Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Paraguay, Uruguay, Perú y República Dominicana. Estados Unidos y Canadá brindarán apoyo logístico en una primera etapa.

¿Soberanía en peligro?
ÓSCAR ESPINOSA CHEPE. Economista y periodista
DESDE hace unos años se viene gestando una alta dependencia de la economía cubana respecto a Venezuela, mediante crecientes subvenciones por el suministro de petróleo relativamente barato y créditos ventajosos. En contrapartida, Cuba envía médicos y otros especialistas que ya suman decenas de miles.,

Correa ya está en la "lista negra" de la SIP-CIA
Incorporado entre los "malos" del continente, junto a Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega y Hugo Chávez. Por supuesto, como sumo sacerdote de estos "enemigos de la libertad de expresión" sigue siendo Fidel Castro,

Muere Luis Miranda
Andrés Gómez,

Guantánamo how-to manual hits the Web
Read: The military's statement Document See the policy manual Guantánamo detainees were denied Red Cross visits and mail, had criticism of the U.S. government or leaders censored and dogs were allowed to patrol at the detention hospital, according to a once-secret prison camps manual that has suddenly appeared on the Internet.,

National Security Archive Senior Analyst Peter Kornbluh Will TestifyTomorrow at Delahunt Hearing on the Bush Administration's handling ofPosada's Case
Washington D.C. - Two and half years after the renowned violent Cuban exile and former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles returned to the United States, and six months after he was freed from immigration detention, Congress will hold its first hearing tomorrow on how the Bush Administration has handled his case. Peter Kornbluh, who directs the National Security Archive's Cuba Documentation Project, will testify before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight, chaired by Rep. Bill Delahunt (D-MA).
The hearing will take place at 3 pm in Room 2237 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Other witnesses include Roseanne Nenninger, the sister of a Guyanese medical student killed on the plane, and journalist Ann Louise Bardach, who interviewed Posada for the New York Times in 1998. Posada's lawyer, Arturo Hernandez, is also scheduled to appear.
Kornbluh's testimony and key declassified CIA and FBI documents implicating Posada in the bombing of Cubana flight 455 in October 1976 that he will analyze will be posted tomorrow on the Archive's website: . The Web site contains multiple postings of declassified records relating to Posada and the airplane bombing, as well as his career in the CIA, that provide useful background for coverage of the subcommittee hearing.