Tuesday, May 6, 2008


World Trade Unionists Updated on Case of the Cuban Five
Support for the Cuban Five was the principal message raised with trade unionists from around the world who are gathered in Havana
By: Jorge Luis Rodríguez González - jrebelde
The unjust imprisonment of the five Cuban anti-terrorists in United States —seen by some as a virtual kidnapping by the White House— was at the center of the celebrated Meeting of Union Solidarity, held on Tuesday at the Havana Convention Center and presided over by Salvador Valdés Mesa, the General Secretary of the Cuban Confederation of Workers.During the conference, more than 1,400 representatives from Latin America and the world agreed that despite what has been done to win the release of the Cuban Five, much still remains to do to break down the wall of silence imposed by the media transnationals and the US government.“Although the tiniest details in the case of the Cuban Five appear in the trial records, what is absent is any information about the situation in the mainstream media. By burying the story from the American people, their political ignorance has been ensured, depriving them of their historic capacity to question injustices and lies,” said one unionist.Once again, leading this discussion was Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, president of the Cuban Parliament, who revealed the outrageous violations of human rights against US and international law committed over the course of the ten years of the rigged legal process. He pointed out that the men remain behind bars despite the findings of experts from the United Nations, who noted the political extremism involved in the case against the five men.All legal battles in United States, assured Alarcón, have to be won with the support of the masses. Though 300 million American citizens are bombard with messages and ideas in the mass media, the Cuban legislator noted that a new international campaign around the Cuban Five will be organized. It will take place between September 12 —the date marking the tenth year of the men’s imprisonment— and October 8, the date of the death of Che Guevara, one of the most notable symbols of internationalism.

Los Cinco y los grilletes del Mira

La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Cámara de Diputados pedirá a la presidenta Michelle Bachelet que solicite al gobierno norteamericano un nuevo juicio para cinco antiterroristas cubanos encarcelados en Estados Unidos.La diputada Karla Rubilar, presidenta de la Comisión, informó que remitirá un oficio a Bachelet para que haga presente la solicitud de nuevo juicio a la administración estadounidense.La cámara baja chilena publicó hoy en su página Web una reseña de una reunión la semana pasada sobre el tema del embajador de Cuba aquí, Giraldo Mazola, con integrantes de la Comisión, encabezada por su presidenta. El diplomático cubano planteó la situación de Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González y René González, quienes se encuentran encarcelados desde 1998 en Estados Unidos por combatir el terrorismo y solicitó solidaridad para ellos.Santiago de Chile, 6 de mayo 2008Crónica Digital / PL

Cuban Youth Voice Support for Fidel
Fidel Castro symbolizes unity, strength of ideas and justice, said participants of a youth meeting at Sierra Maestra mountains
By: Osviel Castro Medel - JR
BARTOLOMÉ MASÓ Granma.—A declaration of principles by the Cuban youth organization, the UJC, expressed support for Fidel Castro. The document, released during a youth meeting at the historic site of Altos de Mompié, in the heart of the Sierra Maestra mountains, said Fidel will for ever be “the Commander-in-Chief of the Revolution.”It was here, on May 3rd, 1958, that Fidel Castro was officially confirmed as the Commander-in-Chief and General Secretary of the July 26th Movement, an act that was remembered by the upcoming generation.The declaration, read by Yoel Queipo, member of the National Secretariat of the UJC, said in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro symbolized unity, strength of ideas and justice.The celebration was attended by hundreds of residents from Altos de Mompié, Minas de Frio and other mountainous towns in the region, which was a key scenario during the last stage of the liberation struggle. It was at Altos de Mompié that an important meeting took place between Fidel and other revolutionary leaders aimed at analyzing a failed a national strike that had been convened for April 9, 1958.The occasion was used to present fifty outstanding youths from the mountain municipality of Bartolomé Masó with their UJC membership cards.Julio Martínez, first secretary of the UJC, and Mariela Rodríguez, a Provincial Party Committee official in Granma Province, planted a well-known local hard-wood tree called as caguairán, as a symbolic tribute to Fidel Castro’s integrity and strength.

Yankee response in the hemisphere: the Fourth Fleet of intervention
IT was created in 1943 to fight Nazi submarines and protect shipping during World War II. It was deactivated as unnecessary in 1950. The Southern Command was meeting the needs of United States hegemony in our region. However, it has been reborn in recent days, after 48 years, and its interventionist purposes do not need to be demonstrated. The military officials themselves, in their statements, are making that known naturally, spontaneously and even discreetly. The problems of food prices, energy, unequal trade, an economic recession in the market most important for their products, inflation, climate change and investments required for their consumerist dreams, are weighing down and consuming the time and energy of the leaders and the led. The real case is that the decision to reestablish the Fourth Fleet was announced in the first week of April, almost a month after Ecuador’s territory was attacked with bombs and U.S. technology and, by the latter’s pressure, killing and injuring citizens from different countries, which prompted a profound condemnation by Latin American leaders at the Rio Group meeting in the capital of the Dominican Republic. Even worse: this is coming at a time of almost unanimous opposition to the disintegration of Bolivia, advocated by the United States. The military officials themselves explain that they will have more than 30 countries under their responsibility, covering 15.6 million square miles in the waters adjoining Central and South America, the Caribbean Sea and its 12 islands, Mexico and the European territories on this side of the Atlantic. The United States has 10 Nimitz class aircraft carriers, with parameters that tend to be more or less the same: full load displacement of 101,000 tons; a deck 333 meters long, with a width of 76.8 metros; 2 nuclear reactors; speed of up to 56 kilometers per hour; 90 war planes. The latter of these bears the name of George H. W. Bush, father of the current president; it has already been christened in champagne by its namesake, and should be ready to join the other ships in the coming months. Not a single country in the world has ships similar to these, which are all equipped with sophisticated nuclear weapons and can approach any of our countries within a few miles. The next aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford, will be a new class: Stealth technology, invisible to radar and electromagnetic weapons. The main builder of either type is Northrop Grumman, a company whose current president is also on the executive board of the U.S. oil company Chevron-Texaco. The cost of the last Nimitz was $6 billion, without including planes, missiles and operational costs, which could also rise into the billions. It’s like a science fiction story. With that money, they could have saved the lives of millions of children. What is the stated objective of the Fourth Fleet? "To combat terrorism and illegal activities such as drug trafficking," and to send a message to Venezuela and the rest of the region. It has been announced that it will begin operating this coming July 1st. The head of the U.S. Southern Command, Admiral James Stavrides, said that his country needs to work harder in "the market of ideas, to win the hearts and minds" of the region’s people. The United States now has its 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th fleets deployed in the West Atlantic, East Pacific, Middle East, the Mediterranean and the East Atlantic, and West Pacific. The Fourth Fleet was the only one missing for guarding all of the planet’s oceans. The total: nine Nimitz aircraft carriers on active duty or very close to being in complete combat readiness, like the George H. W. Bush. They have a reserve sufficient for tripling or even quadrupling the power of any of their fleets in any given theater of operations. The aircraft carriers and nuclear bombs being used to threaten our countries serve to sow terror and death, but not to fight terrorism or illegal activities. They should also serve to bring shame to the empire’s accomplices and increase solidarity among the peoples. (Translated by Granma International)Fidel Castro Ruz - May 4 de 2008

Cuba Program Healing Blind Convicts
Havana (Prensa Latina) The Cuban public health system has extended its ophthalmologic program Operation Miracle to prison centers, to diagnose and heal cataracts and other eye afflictions, it was reported in this capital Monday.Granma newspaper stated today how consultations and surgeries have increased in prisons of the western province of Pinar del Rio, first in this trial experience. According to Osmany Correa, regional coordinator of the program, about one hundred convicts have been attended for operable blindness, after hardly a month of analysis.Correa praised the human impact this experience has had in the medical group, invested with the rehabilitation of prisoners in Cuban society.The island's government boosts and develops the Operation Miracle project throughout the country and other nations, where thousands of patients have received ophthalmologic surgery free of charge.

More about the Cuban Adjustment Act
By Andres Gomez - Cubanow.- Miami.
For long years, first from the pages of Areíto magazine and its successor Areítodigital, and later through Radio Miami, the criminal objectives that led to the promulgation in 1966 of the Cuban Adjustment Act by the US government have been strongly denounced. They are the same goals that have maintained it still in force. Its consequences have been disastrous. This law is in line with the permanent policy of aggression maintained for nearly half a century by US governments against the Cuban people. Its political justification in this country has been that the US governments have the moral obligation of sheltering Cubans who, by any means, flee “the cruel communist tyranny that represses Cubans.” If this were like that, if by any of God's Mysteries the US governments were morally committed to all Cubans who have wanted and want to leave Cuba, why instead of forcing them to use risky options like travelling by sea from Cuba to the coasts of Florida, or crossing from Cuba to Central America or Mexico, making any other risky adventure by sea, or having to devise other ways to reach US territory, doesn’t the US consent to granting 50,000 or 60,000 immigrant visas through its Interest Section in Havana instead of the 20,000 it grants annually? What prevents US governments from allotting such amount of immigrant visas to all Cubans who would like to come to the US if that moral obligation to them were real? That choice would guarantee the safe transfer of would-be Cuban immigrants, especially their little children, and the control of its borders for US authorities. That choice would put an end to the inestimable number of deaths and other misfortunes that are direct consequences of the Cuban Adjustment Act. It would also eliminate inherent risks on the country’s security, due to free illegal entry of undesired people like assassins, rapists, burglars, and other criminals, without forgetting the Cuban government’s spies, who undoubtedly come to the country and live among us, taking advantage of the Act’s privileges. Then, why not? Why don’t the US governments or their puppets of the Miami-based Cuban-American counterrevolutionary leadership, or the little boys and girls of the Miami press, free press of course, offer this other option? I guess it is because the real objective of the Act is not the story of the moral obligation to Cubans, but using, as perfidious temptation and provocation, the possibility that Cubans who dare to come illegally by sea are immediately accepted in the US, and then the US governments and their clients use those terrible images and subsequent stories as evidence that life in Cuba is unsustainable. But the situation created by this law has come to a defining moment in time. Because what now finally seems to be unsustainable for many authorities in this country are the negative consequences the Cuban Adjustment Act entails for the US national security. During the 2007 fiscal year, 13,840 Cubans illegally entered the US through all possible ways, compared to the 13,405 who did it in 2006, the 11,524 in 2005, and only 615 in 1997. From October 2007 to April this year, over 11,000 Cubans have tried to reach US territory illegally. This means the situation is worsening. If apart from that, we take into consideration a report by Reuters news agency on September 2007 quoting a US official as saying -and facts corroborate it- that currently 89 percent of Cubans illegally coming to the US and claiming the Cuban Adjustment Act do it through the Mexico-US border and, on the other hand, the Cuban government is on the road to eliminating many of the travel requirements for Cubans residing in Cuba, and that could mean more Cubans travelling to Mexico…wouldn’t it be the right opportunity for many in the US government, alarmed at the lack of control along their borders, and its consequences for national security, to put an end to this infamous law? *The autor is director of Areítodigital’s and lives in Miami.

Cuba dice que EU usa falsos argumentos para incluirla en "lista negra"
Organización Editorial Mexicana DPA
Washington, Estados Unidos.- El gobierno cubano criticó ese lunes que Washington incluyese de nuevo a la isla caribeño en la lista de países que patrocinan el terrorismo al mismo tiempo que protege al "terrorista" Luis Posada Carriles.Según un comunicado emitido por la Sección de Intereses de Cuba en Estados Unidos, los argumentos usados por el Departamento de Estado para incluir a Cuba en la "lista negra" son "totalmente falsos".Estados Unidos considera a Cuba como un estado patrocinador del terrorismo desde el 1 de marzo de 1982. En el último informe hecho público la pasada semana por el Departamento de Estado, Washington acusa a La Habana de no cooperar en la lucha contra el terrorismo, de proporcionar refugio a miembros de ETA, FARC, ELN y 70 fugitivos de Estados Unidos y de mantener "estrechas relaciones" con Irán y Siria.Para la representación cubana en Estados Unidos es una "paradoja" que Estados Unidos mantenga en libertad a Posada Carriles, al que Cuba y Venezuela acusan de planear la voladura de una nave de la aerolínea Cubana de Aviación en 1976, que provocó la muerte de sus 73 pasajeros.Además las autoridades de La Habana lo responsabilizan de estar detrás de una serie de atentados con bombas en varios hoteles en capital cubana ocurridos en 1997, en uno de los cuales murió un turista italiano, y en los preparativos para asesinar al líder cubano Fidel Castro en Panamá en 2000.Posada Carriles, de 80 años, estaba acusado de violar las leyes migratorias estadounidenses, pero fue puesto en libertad el 8 de mayo de 2007 y vive desde entonces en Florida.Posada Carriles, que desde su liberación había mantenido un perfil bajo, recibió el viernes un homenaje en Miami organizado por varias organizaciones del exilio cubano en la península floridana. Según el diario "The Miami Herald", el ex agente de la CIA fue recibido con abrazos, apretones de manos y besos por "cientos" de personas.La Sección de Intereses cubana asegura que "llama la atención" que una de las asociaciones organizadoras del homenaje, el Consejo para la Libertad de Cuba, sea "frecuentemente recibida al más alto nivel en la Casa Blanca".Hace dos semanas, en una declaración publicada en el diario oficial "Granma", el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MINREX) de Cuba denunció "la cómplice inacción del gobierno de los Estados Unidos y la protección otorgada por la administracion del presidente (George W.) Bush a Luis Posada Carriles", al tiempo que recordó que Venezuela pidió a Washington su extradición en 2005.

Cuban citizens are sending letters proposing solutions to the economic problems
By Pablo Guerra - Cubanow.- Socialism in Cuba is Cuban, so there’s no reason to copy the Chinese, the Vietnamese or any other one”, says a reader’s letter addressed to the director of Granma, the official journal, published today. J. Crespo Velásquez, a reader without any other identification, writes to the Communist Party’s newspaper proposing to start the increase of salaries according to the “productive or services results” obtained in the sectors of agriculture and cattle raising, education, health and industry. The letter states that among the “biggest problems” that Cuban economy had suffered are the “equalitarism and the excess of non productive or non generating services structures”, along with the American blockade to Cuba and the Soviet Union’s fall. Another letter sent by L. E. Rodríguez Reyes says: “the corruption level within every working sector, even from the simple employees, hurts” and he uses examples of illegalities occurred in an amusement park. “The fact is that, or we work and produce, or we perish, because despite the genocide blockade and the empire’s economic war, which are real, and which are the main causes of our problems, we must be able to achieve that people in working ages who are not working yet, do it”, states L. Campoalegre Sánchez in a letter. Since several weeks ago Granma journal is publishing the opinions and proposals of its readers about the problems of the Cuban economy, such as low salaries, lack of work productivity, the existence of a double currency, and a better exploitation of the land. President Raúl Castro has publicly spoken about the deficiencies of the policies applied in such fields as agricultural production, the wrong distribution of certain products such as milk, the excessive prohibitions in services to the population, and the functionality of the state apparatus. In this sense he has promised changes, some of which are already going on, such as the massive deliver of lands to farmers, the access to hotels previously limited to foreign tourism, and the sale of electronic devices and cellular phones. *Translated by Marilola Castro

Los jinetes del Apocalipsis y la nueva Cuba
Cuba fue el País de la Sonrisa en los 60. Luego el miedo lo echaría todo a perder. En breve abrirá el Partido un debate: “Socialismo en el siglo XXI”. ¿Esta será la Isla de la Libertad de nuevo? Ramón García Guerra http://www.kaosenlared.net/noticia/jinetes-apocalipsis-nueva-cuba,

La unidad unitaria del Primero de mayo y una crónica cubana
Raúl Calvo nos animó desde Kaos a escribir cada quien sobre su primero de mayo. Y eso voy a hacer...Por supuesto desde mi ángulo, mi marcha,mi pluma... y mi cámara de fotos, que de seguro muchos cubanos harán la suya. Fue tan linda y tan variada que bien vale la pena que muchos escriban sobre ella. +++fotos>>> Celia Hart Santamaria http://www.kaosenlared.net/noticia/unidad-unitaria-primero-mayo-cronica-cubana,

Para que la cultura marque la diferencia
La Feria Internacional de Turismo Cuba 2008 abre sus puertas en La Habana
Pedro de la Hoz - granma
La cultura puede y debe ser el elemento distintivo de lo que nuestro país ofrece al visitante, declaró este lunes en La Habana la viceministra de Turismo, María Elena López, durante la conferencia de prensa previa a la inauguración de FIT Cuba 2008.Sobre ese principio, la vigésimo octava convocatoria de la Feria Internacional del sector, que tuvo su primer acto con una función de gala del Ballet Nacional de Cuba en la sala García Lorca y se instalará desde hoy en la Fortaleza de La Cabaña, dedicará su línea temática principal a la integración entre la cultura y el turismo. "Estamos convencidos —señaló López— que esta combinación es estratégica y decisiva para el posicionamiento de Cuba como destino turístico, pues abundan las potencialidades diferenciadoras". Aunque con suficiente antelación estos vínculos fueron resaltados en la promoción del evento, los debates del reciente VII Congreso de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba reavivaron el tema. Durante ese cónclave, efectuado en la capital cubana el pasado abril, un rosario de planteamientos críticos e insatisfacciones sobre la inserción de la vida cultural en los programas turísticos fueron ventilados y, lo más importante, se adoptaron acuerdos para el trabajo conjunto de las entidades turísticas, las instituciones culturales y la UNEAC a fin de hallar soluciones. Rubén del Valle, viceministro de Cultura, presente también en la conferencia de prensa del lunes, subrayó el compromiso del movimiento intelectual y artístico con el desarrollo turístico donde, más allá del sol y las playas, es posible mostrar valores culturales consolidados. Una contribución al conocimiento de ese perfil por parte de turoperadores y agencias de viaje será la puesta en circulación de una nueva guía cultural de Cuba, que se presentará hoy en La Cabaña.

Constituida la Comisión para la Atención a los Servicios
Lourdes Pérez Navarro - granma
Con la constitución este lunes de la Comisión para la Atención a los Servicios, se dio inicio a un programa que se extenderá hasta el 31 de este mes para conformar, de manera provisional, las 12 comisiones de trabajo de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (ANPP) que funcionarán durante su VII Legislatura.A las 10 comisiones que trabajaron de manera permanente durante la anterior Legislatura se incorporan otras dos que atenderán los temas energético y agroalimentario.En un encuentro con los diputados que integran la Comisión de Atención a los Servicios, Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, presidente del Parlamento, afirmó que la actual Legislatura se constituye en momentos en que el país está profundizando el socialismo. En que tenemos también que hacer más rigurosa y cabal la labor de nuestras comisiones permanentes de la ANPP. Por la importancia que estas tienen, dijo, no podemos esperar a que se reúnan en el verano; deben empezar a actuar desde ahora.Recordó que a diferencia de otros parlamentos que profesionalizan y politizan a sus diputados, y los mantienen alejados de la realidad, nuestros diputados son personas útiles en la sociedad. Esa característica del Parlamento cubano, resaltó, es posiblemente su mayor virtud. Los diputados sostuvieron encuentros con las direcciones de los ministerios del Turismo y del Transporte, y del Grupo Nacional de Campismo Popular.

Destacan papel de la prensa revolucionaria
José Antonio Torres
SANTIAGO DE CUBA.— Aunque no es ni su primera ni su única arma, la prensa y los periodistas son indispensables a la Revolución, y se les requiere ahora no contemplativos ni sensacionalistas, sino objetivos, oportunos y exactos.Así afirmó Rolando Alfonso Borges, jefe del Departamento Ideológico del Comité Central, en la sesión provincial del octavo congreso de la Unión de Periodistas en Santiago de Cuba, a la que también asistió Misael Enamorado Dáger, miembro del Buró Político.Los profesionales del sector en el territorio ratificaron trabajar con responsabilidad profesional y política, en el empeño por perfeccionar nuestra sociedad.Tubal Paéz, presidente nacional de la UPEC, aseguró que el país demanda una prensa más acuciosa, que muestre la realidad cotidiana y los asuntos trascendentes, que llame por su nombre y responsablemente a cada cosa sin superficialidades, de manera culta, atractiva y amena.

¿Dónde está el software cubano?
La informatización de la sociedad en Cuba implica desafíos en la producción y comercialización de juegos y multimedias educativas para la recreación y aprendizaje de niños y jóvenes http://www.cubaperiodistas.cu/noticias/mayo08/05/05.html,

Cuban ambassador en Astana

Motines del hambre
Ignacio Ramonet

Perlas informativas del mes de abril 2008
Pascual Serrano http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=66986,

El periodista Pascual Serrano publica 'Medios Violentos'
El periodista albaceteño Pascual Serrano publica en España Medios violentos. Palabras e imágenes para el odio y la guerra, un polémico ensayo sobre la violencia y los medios de comunicación que tiene como tesis central la denuncia de que desde los medios, en muchas ocasiones, se apoyan guerras e intervenciones militares, se fomentan odios religiosos y étnicos, o se criminalizan a determinados grupos sociales.Esta obra se publicó anteriormente en una versión más reducida en Venezuela, en colaboración con el filósofo Santiago Alba. Esta edición, que se publica ahora en España para la editorial El Viejo Topo, corresponde a Pascual Serrano en solitario e incluye un mayor análisis sobre los sesgos de los medios de comunicación y sus metodologías para obviar contextos y antecedentes, así como varias sugerencias para regenerar el panorama mediático.Medios violentos está basado en el texto que fue I Premio Internacional de Ensayo Pensar a Contracorriente el año pasado. Pascual Serrano, residente en la provincia desde hace una década, es asesor editorial del canal de televisión Telesur, propiedad de los estados de Venezuela, Cuba, argentina y Bolivia.

Anuncian legitimación mundial de la Etiqueta Ambiental Cubana
Con la obtención de ese atributo el producto adquiere un lugar de preferencia en el mercado y la empresa que lo ofrece refuerza su imagen ecológica http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2008-05-06/anuncian-legitimacion-mundial-de-la-etiqueta-ambiental-cubana/,

Nueva misión de los Trabajadores Sociales cubanos
Por: Marianela Martín González,
Una nueva misión de los trabajadores sociales se ha convertido en piedra en el zapato para quienes sacan provecho del desorden y la indisciplina en terminales y ómnibus. Sin embargo, la población sí lo agradece http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2008-05-06/nueva-mision-de-los-trabajadores-sociales-cubanos/,

El concepto de la vida
Por: Carlos Rodríguez Almaguer«Disciplina quiere decir orden, y orden quiere decir triunfo.»José Martí http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/opinion/2008-05-06/el-concepto-de-la-vida/,

Homenaje al Che inaugura en Cuba conferencia de ciencias sociales
La Habana (PL) Un tributo a Ernesto Che Guevara abrirá hoy la IV Conferencia Internacional “La Obra de Carlos Marx y los desafíos del siglo XXI”, con presencia de activistas sociales de varios países.Alrededor de 450 delegados participarán en la gala homenaje por el 80 natalicio del guerrillero argentino-cubano, con la cual quedará inaugurado el foro que sesionará hasta el próximo 8 de mayo en el Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana.El encuentro también está dedicado al aniversario 50 del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana, según precisaron los organizadores a Prensa Latina.La directora del Instituto de Filosofía, Concepción Nieves, destacó que la cita de científicos y activistas de movimientos sociales de todos los continentes trasciende el marco nacional para convertirse en un foro de debate.Según adelantó Nieves, en su discurso inaugural puntualizará que la propuesta de construir el socialismo del siglo XXI emerge de la confrontación de ideas sobre las alternativas de enfrentamiento al sistema capitalista.En ese debate de académicos y líderes sociales también pesan las experiencias de las revoluciones en Latinoamérica, aseveró Nieves.Durante la primera jornada habrá un coloquio sobre la Revista Marx Ahora en la que su directora, Isabel Monal, intercambiará con los delegados algunos de los temas más importantes presentados por esta publicación especializada en el pensamiento filosófico contemporáneo.La conferencia trabajará en tres comisiones que abordarán las contradicciones del capitalismo moderno, la diversidad de movimientos que se enfrentan a este sistema global y la alternativa socialista para transformar la sociedad.Desde 2003, se desarrollan en Cuba eventos de ese tipo, auspiciados por el Instituto de Filosofía, la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba y otras organizaciones nacionales e internacionales.

Argentina to Fete 80th Che Birthday
Buenos Aires (Prensa Latina) The Argentinean city of Rosario will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of Ernesto Che Guevara, with several activities June 12-15.The program was agreed after several working sessions by Rosario mayor Miguel Lifschitz, other representatives from the municipal government of Che hometown, and members from the multi-sector group of solidarity with Cuba.Also present were Jorge Luis Mayo, second adviser chief of the Cuban diplomatic mission in Argentina, and Andres Zerneri, author and maker of the monument to Che that will be unveiled.Celebrations will begin June 12 with a massive meeting by Latin American youth.The opening act will be on June 13 at El Circulo Theater with an institutional panel made up of Hermes Binner, governor of Santa Fe provice, mayor Lifschitz, and Cuban ambassador to Argentina Aramis Fuentes Hernandez.The Ernesto Guevara statue, designed by Zerneri in the Che Square, will be unveiled June 14. This sculpture was casted in bronze through the donation of keys and small metal objects by thousands of Argentineans and people worldwide.On June 15, there will be a mass concert at the Flag Monument Park, with singer and songwriters Jaime Ross, Leon Gieco and Juan Carlos Baglietto, as well as several foreign artists.

EEUU quiere crear y gobernar el caos en América Latina;
por Antonio Maira http://www.insurgente.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=13515,

Granma Slams Posada Miami Soiree
Havana (Prensa Latina) International terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, denounced as such by the US Immigration Services, was "honorary guest"of a banquet in Miami, Granma newspaper reported Monday.In an article entitled "Posada Carriles, honored by Mafia and blessed by the FBI," the publication reveals that other terrorists and a group of people linked to organizations supporting terrorism attended the banquet.The unbelievable stage, Granma describes, took place Friday in the Big Five Club of Miami that the continental extreme right considers its homeland, with total immunity from the FBI and Florida anti-terrorist squadrons.The Miami Herald daily reports Saturday how Posada, "radiantly hugged and shook hands of a hundred followers upon his arrival to the Club.Granma states that the Big Five Club, to which a number of known Miami Cuba-Americans are linked, is the usual place for celebrations of several extremist groups from this US city, where terrorism is openly tolerated.Among infamous terrorists was Ernesto Diaz, current chief of Alpha 66, an organization created by the CIA in the sinister years of JM/WAVE station and with long record of terrorist attacks against Cuba ordered by the CIA.