Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Proving more US-terror against Cuba

Algo muy podrido entre la mafia, los mercenarios y la SINA
La mezquindad que rodea a estos elementos salió a flote una vez más durante la segunda parte de la Mesa Redonda Informativa transmitida ayer,

(Read this carefully. Washington does NOT deny Cuba's allegationsthat Washington has been carrying cash to opponents of the Cubangovernment.)
Daily Press Briefing
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DCMay 19, 2008,

Cuban dissidents defend receiving aid from abroad,

Los manejos de una impúdica y sórdida relación contra Cuba,

Cuba: US helping to fund dissidents, Qatar - Cuba has accused the top US diplomat in Havana of aiding the delivery of money from an anti-government exile group in Miami to dissidents inside Cuba. ...Cuba: US carried funds to opposition The Associated PressAround the world Detroit Free PressCuba accuses envoy of terror link News - Cuba News
and 403 news articles »
Voice of America Top US diplomat in Cuba funnels funds to dissidents:
HavanaAFP - HAVANA (AFP) — The top US diplomat in Cuba personally has served as a conduit of funds delivered to dissidents aiming to oust Cuba's communist government, ...Cuba Solidarity Day 2008: Remembering Our Totalitarian Neighbor Heritage.orgUS Official Says No Meaningful Change Under Way in Cuba Voice of AmericaTiny Jewish enclave thrives, witnesses a rebirth in Cuba Boston GlobeABC Online - AFP
and 245 news articles »

Damas de Blanco: acudan a los diccionarios
Por Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez
Parece que las integrantes del grupúsculo anticubano “Damas de Blanco” no conocen el significado de la palabra mercenario, pues hace poco tiempo sus miembros proclamaban ante las cámaras que no recibían ningún dinero de Estados Unidos.,

Cuba denuncia que EEUU sirve de "emisario" entre la disidencia y ... - Cuba afirma poseer "pruebas contundentes" que demuestran que EE UU, a través de sus diplomáticos en La Habana, ha financiado a opositores que pretenden ...Un ex jefe de la diplomacia de EE.UU. en Cuba dice que sería ... Terra EspañaCuba denuncia vínculo entre terroristas y oficina de Estados ... BolPressCuba acusó a diplomáticos de EU UnivisiónPrensa Latina - La Jornada (México)
y 303 artículos relacionados »
McCain prometió impedir que Bolivia y Venezuela imiten a (Argentina) - Ante una multitud ruidosa que lo ovacionó en el día de la independencia de Cuba, el candidato republicano, John McCain, prometió que, en caso de ser elegido ...ACTUALIZA 2-En Miami, McCain ataca a Obama por Cuba Reuters América LatinaCuba y política exterior de EE.UU. enciende ruta a la Casa Blanca Unión RadioObama reitera que espera "progresos" antes de normalizar ... El Universal (Venezuela) - El Financiero (México)
y 172 artículos relacionados »

Cuba: de la Enmienda Platt al Plan Bush
Para este 21 de Mayo, los estrategas desvelados por Cuba en la Casablanca han propuesto una movilización a sus mercenarios dentro de la isla y en otros lados...,

Cuba - Estados Unidos: ¿Qué pasó el 20 de mayo?
"España capituló el 12 de agosto de 1898 y el 1ro. de enero de 1899 fue izada la bandera norteamericana. Pasados tres años, EE.UU. «autorizó» a Cuba un Gobierno propio; pero bajo amenaza de prolongar la ocupación indefinidamente impuso la Enmienda Platt, con la que dejaba claro su título de propiedad",

¿Rescate Jurídico o instigación criminal?,

Esta tarde, tercera parte de la Mesa Redonda
La escandalosa conexión terroristas-mercenarios-gobierno de Estados Unidos Cubavisión, el Canal Educativo, Cubavisión Internacional, Radio Rebelde y Radio Habana Cuba transmitirán, desde las 6:00 pm, la tercera parte de la Mesa Redonda Informativa La escandalosa conexión terroristas-mercenarios-gobierno de Estados Unidos, en la que se continuarán develando contundentes pruebas sobre la relación directa entre los grupúsculos mercenarios dentro de Cuba, terroristas convictos en Miami y la administración estadounidense.Videos, llamadas, correos electrónicos y otras pruebas que muestran el papel del jefe de la SINA y sus subordinados como correos o vulgares “mulas” del terrorista Santiago Álvarez para traer financiamiento a los mercenarios en Cuba, serán mostrados en el programa.Esta mesa redonda será retransmitida por el Canal Educativo al final de su programación.

McCain intentará procesar al castrismo
El candidato republicano dice que no esperará pasivamente la caída del régimen,

McCain Vows to Keep US Trade Embargo on Cuba
Wall Street Journal - John McCain told Cuban-Americans Tuesday that he would maintain the decades-old US trade embargo on Cuba if he is elected president, and he attacked Barack ...McCain, in Miami, promises to continue isolating Cuba Los Angeles TimesObama, McCain clash over policy toward Cuba Kansas City StarMcCain accuses Obama of being soft on Cuba - CNN
and 435 news articles more

Dejen en paz a Cuba
Carta abierta a las autoridades de la Unión Europea en relación con Cuba,

Case of Cuban Five Discussed in Brazilian Television
HAVANA, Cuba, May 20 (acn) Elizabeth Palmeiro, wife of Ramon Labañino – one of the five Cuban political prisoners in the United States – said on Monday that his husband and his four comrades saved a lot of lives to the Cuban people. In an interview with TV-Brasil (channel 2), Palmeiro added that the Cuban Five – as they are known internationally – fulfilled their mission of warning Cuba about terrorist attacks that were organized by anti-Cuba extremist groups in South Florida.She recalled that nearly 3,000 Cubans have died as a result of terrorist actions planned and carried out by these terrorist groups in Miami who act in complicity with US authorities.Palmeiro explained that his husband, along with Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez and Rene Gonzalez, were arrested in 1998 for fighting terrorism and received harsh and unjust sentences after a biased process held against them in Miami.She stressed that after almost 10 years of unjust imprisonment, there is still a pending appeal process while Washington denies their families the right to visit them in prison.She noted that in her particular case, she has not been able to visit her husband with their daughters in the last two years, while Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez, wives of Rene and Gerardo, respectively, have not been able to visit their respective husbands in the past seven and ten years.

Lamenta Cuba en Asamblea de la OMS incumplimiento de Objetivos del Milenio
GINEBRA, 20 de mayo.— Cuba lamentó en la Asamblea General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que los Objetivos del Desarrollo del Milenio en ese sector resulten inalcanzables para la mayoría de los países del Tercer Mundo.El ministro cubano de Salud Pública, doctor José Ramón Balaguer, criticó a los países ricos por no cumplir con su compromiso de contribuir al desarrollo aportando el 0,7% de su Producto Interno Bruto.Balaguer subrayó que al deterioro del sector en el Tercer Mundo, se suma ahora la agravada crisis alimentaria, debido al uso de los alimentos para la producción de combustibles y al alza de los precios.Entretanto, la nación antillana exhibe la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 5,3 por 1 000 nacidos vivos, en el 2006 y 2007, la más baja de América Latina y a nivel de los países desarrollados, añadió.Además, el 99.9% de los partos son institucionales y atendidos por médicos, alcanzándose una tasa de mortalidad materna directa de 21 por 100 000 nacidos vivos, aun cuando no estamos satisfechos con este resultado, puntualizó y al referirse al tema del VIH-SIDA, precisó que la epidemia en la Isla es considerada de baja intensidad, al tener una prevalencia de 0,09%.Por otra parte dijo, el también miembro del Buró Político, que "la Atención Primaria es la base de nuestro Sistema Nacional de Salud, lo que nos ha permitido alcanzar estos resultados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y cumplir, antes del 2000, la meta de Salud para Todos acordada en Alma Atá hace 30 años".El ministro destacó que Cuba, país pequeño, pobre y bloqueado, mantiene hoy más de 36 000 trabajadores de la Salud en 70 naciones y trabaja para formar en diez años 100 000 médicos de países hermanos, según reporta PL.

Promisorios resultados de la Revolución Energética
Orfilio Peláez
Cuba logró ahorrar en menos de tres años un total de 961 419 toneladas de combustibles como resultado directo de las medidas adoptadas en los diferentes programas de la Revolución Energética, afirmó Vicente de la O, director de la Unión Eléctrica.,

Dos visiones de izquierda de la Cuba actual: La lucha continúa / La vida después de Fidel .
Samuel Farber y Saul Landau, dos conocidos y respetados analistas de izquierda, han expuesto recientemente para la revista norteamericana Foreign Policy Focus sus distintos puntos de vista sobre el presente y el futuro político, económico y social de Cuba.,

Cuba to build 14,000 plastic houses a year,

Petrobras welcomes the Minister of Industry of Cuba
By La Société - The Minister of Basic Industry of Cuba, Yadira García, was welcomed at Petrobras’ main office building, in Rio de Janeiro, where she participated in a work meeting with Company executives. During the meeting, issues regarding the cooperation agreement signed between Petrobras and the National Cuban Oil Company (Cupet), signed on January 15 2008, were discussed. The document calls for initiatives in the exploration & production, lubricant, refining, maintenance, research & development, and human resource areas. Petrobras and Cupet also examined the possibility of beginning seismic surveys in an offshore area in the Cuban sector of the Gulf of Mexico in the near future. Since the late 1990’s, foreign companies have been authorized to operate in that region. Progress was also made in the negotiations aimed at building a lubricant plant in Havana. For this purpose, the terms of the association agreement between Petrobras and Cupet to incorporate a mixed company are being negotiated. In research & development, the agreement foresees training for Cuban technicians in the oil and gas area through the Petrobras University, both in Cuba and in Brazil.

El Pentágono admite que un avión militar violó el espacio aéreo venezolano el pasado sábadoEstados Unidos asegura que la incursión aérea se debió a un acto completamente involuntario.- El ministro de Exteriores de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ha citado al embajador norteamericano para que explique el sobrevuelo sobre unas islas al norte de Caracas,

Venezuela Denounces U.S. After an Airspace Violation,

And What Now after the INTERPOL Show

After the initial repercussions of the presentation of the INTERPOL report on the “evidence” gained by blood and fire in Colombian territory, it now lays in the hands of the government of Bogotá to decide what to do on the matter. Meanwhile voices continue to increase to disqualify them or at least call for sound judgment. What is foreseeable is maintaining the issue in the press, mainly those used for these types of aggressions, a strategy that could be condemned to wear out due to disqualification or by the fact that such “evidence” lacks value or legal use. In Caracas, US ambassador Patrick Duddy said that his government accepts the INTERPOL report in which “there are elements for concern”. The US diplomat pointed out that the specialized agencies in the US, read the CIA and other intelligence and subversive dependencies, are analyzing the ‘computer’ information. This could be the introduction for an operation to attempt to fill in the empty and weak INTERPOL “technical report”, giving way to new lies. Meanwhile there will be a continuous ‘a la carte’ flow of alleged documents presumably belonging to FARC leader Raul Reyes, assassinated to stop him from denying the accumulation of lies and what is happening. It is not strange that these files are circulating in the press with the constant diatribes of the reactionary circles against the progressive governments and revolutionary and social leaders in different latitudes of the continent. The Universal of Mexico reported the “documents”, according to which the FARC had organized training workshops for taxi drivers in Mexico City known as Los Panteras, belonging to the Francisco Villa Popular Front. But even the General Secretary of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza recently expressed in Lima: “I respect INTERPOL, but the report issued does not refer to the production or the content of the documents found”. “There is no evidence over the documents”. Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa, said it all. It deals with an anti Venezuela maneuver and against the countries where changes are currently underway. The US ambassador in Bogota, William Brownfield revealed the intentions of moving the base the US uses in Manta, Ecuador to the La Guajira peninsula. This is very close to the Venezuelan border where just recently new tensions were added in the already tense relations between both South American nations. Cynicism and provocation come from the White House envoy in Colombia after completing with his mission in Caracas. That gringo knows very well that the military installations in Manta were grossly used to support the incursion against Ecuadorian territory in flagrant violations of the bilateral accord and for the commission of the March 1st massacre in Angostura.

Chavez Insists: No Support to FARC
Caracas (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Relations and Justicia Ramon Rodriguez impugned a series of provocations coming from US and Colombia against the government of President Hugo Chavez. There is no way to verify that the supposed evidences authorities in Bogota assure haven't been placed by the government of Alvaro Uribe, the Minister commented in declarations to TV Network TeleSur. Venezuela has contradicted during the last weeks accusations of Colombia about a presumed connection among governmental entities of this country and the guerrilla of the neighboring nation. The government of Chavez does not have any relation with FARC (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces), but those well-known negotiations destined to obtain a humanitarian agreement, Rodriguez indicated. Regarding the recent US aerial incursion in northern Venezuelan territory, the Minister explained that US pilot was fully aware of the fulfilled itinerary. The irruption of the US military airship is evidently part of a new and never-ending escalation of provocations against Venezuela, he affirmed. On Monday, Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro confirmed the activation of a political mechanism of pacific solution to resolve the incident happened on May 16, related to the illegal incursion of Colombian troops in national territory.With firmness, wisdom and serenity, we started up a diplomatic procedure to disarticulate the provocation and to avoid a more serious bilateral litigation, Mature indicated in a press conference.