Friday, May 9, 2008

Miami and Washington Join Forces in Europe against Cuba

El nerviosismo de Estados Unidos.

-Por María Josefina Arce(RHC)
Estados Unidos se encuentra sumamente preocupado ante la posibilidad de un mejoramiento de las relaciones de la Unión Europea con Cuba. Por eso ha desarrollado en los últimos meses una intensa campaña, a la que se han sumado miembros de grupos anticubanos radicados, naturalmente en Florida.La prensa española denuncia este jueves la actividad de estos elementos en el viejo continente; noticia que no sorprende pero si demuestra una vez más la estrecha relación que tienen con el gobierno del presidente norteamericano, George W. Bus, esos grupos de la extrema derecha.Precisan los diarios digitales "Rebelión" y "La República" que esos personajes se pasean por Europa con el dinero de la administración Bush y de la CIA, Agencia Central de Inteligencia, con el objetivo de intentar presionar a la Unión Europea para que conserve una postura hostil hacia la isla.Las presiones de estos grupúsculos se suman a las ejercidas recientemente por importantes funcionarios del Departamento norteamericano de Estado como Tom Shannon y Caleb McCarry, nombrado este último por Bush en julio del 2005, en el denominado Plan para la Transición en Cuba, como procónsul para la Isla.En este contexto de presiones se inscribe también la celebración la semana próxima en Bruselas, sede de la Unión Europea , de otra cita contra el país antillano, promocionada y pagada por Washington, a la cual asistirán los ex presidentes de la República Checa, Vaclac Havel, y de México, Vicente Fox.Toda esta campaña contra un posible mejoramiento de las relaciones entre el viejo continente y Cuba coincide con el próximo análisis por el Consejo de la Unión Europea de las sanciones impuestas contra La Habana, suspendidas desde 2005. Estas sanciones, que comprenden suspensión de visitas de alto nivel y de colaboración cultural, entre otros elementos, fueron negociadas en el 2003 por Washington y el presidente del gobierno español en aquel entonces, José María Aznar, quien defendió en la Unión Europea la política hostil de Estados Unidos hacia la Mayor de las Antillas.Ahora el mantenimiento de la congelación o la eliminación definitiva de las sanciones impuestas a Cuba tiene sumamente preocupado y nervioso a Estados Unidos, que teme un estrechamiento de los vínculos cubano-europeos en la Cumbre UE-América Latina, que sesionará en Lima, Perú, este mes de mayo. Habrá que esperar a ver si la Unión Europea adopta una política propia e independiente respecto a Cuba o seguirá aceptando las imposiciones de Estados Unidos. Cuba en todo momento ha manifestado su disposición al diálogo pero ha dejado bien claro que deber ser entre soberanos e iguales, sin condicionamientos, ni amenazas pendientes.

Right Wing Elements in Miami and Washington Join Forces in Europe against Cuba

Madrid (RHC-Granma)--Members from anti-Cuba groups based in Florida have joined the US government in its effort to block any improving relations between the European Union and Cuba, Spanish media reported on Wednesday.An article published in Madrid by the online newspapers Rebelion and La Republica reveals that the sabotage effort is being carried out by representatives from rightwing groups in Miami and Bush administration officials. With money in hand provided by the government and the CIA, the agents' objective is to pressure the EU to maintain a hostile stance towards Cuba, states the articles.Among the groups involved is the so-called Cuban Democratic Directorate (CDD), known as a CIA group and one of the most aggressive against Cuba. The CDD is involved in a notorious scandal for misappropriation of more than US $6 million, received from the US government to act against the Caribbean nation, reads the article written by Patricio Montesinos.The document adds that anti-Cuban attacks in Europe have also targeted Spain and take place at a time when there is a rapprochement of the EU towards Cuba shortly before the EU is to review sanctions imposed on the island in 2003, currently suspended.They also coincide with the celebration next week in Brussels, headquarters of the EU, of another meeting to drum up support against Cuba, promoted and paid for by Washington that will be attended by former Czech Republic President Vaclac Havel and Mexican President Vicente Fox.Top-level officials from the US State Department such as Tom Shannon and Caleb McCarry were in Europe in recent weeks, and visited Madrid, where they met with government officials, states the article by Montesinos.Another figure who also visited several European capitals was Frank Calzon, a notorious CIA agent, concludes the report.

Miami want ad: ‘Terrorist experience a plus’
By Alvaro F. Fernandez
(,)“If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” -- John 4:20Frankenstein’s monsters have chosen to settle where they began their lifetime of terror. Actually, the fact that the U.S. harbors terrorists in Miami doesn’t surprise me. They helped to create them here.I recently read that Luis Posada Carriles was feted in a Miami country club whose members yearn for the Cuba before Fidel Castro. This is the same Posada Carriles who masterminded and blew up a Cubana Airliner while in flight with 73 human beings on board -- most, young people from the Cuban olympic fencing team. When convenient, Posada Carriles has also laid claim to plotting the murder of Cuban leader Fidel Castro. At other moments, he has admitted to reporters of planning numerous attacks which damaged tourist spots in Havana and killed at least one person in the process. The fact is, that in the 1970s, he was the Western Hemisphere’s Osama bin Laden, before the U.S. had even thought of training the bearded Saudi. Interestingly, they both have something in common: at different moments and for different purposes, they were taught their trade by the U.S. government.Bin Laden should consider moving to Miami. I am sure some wacky group would find some reason for honoring him. If he’s lucky and this particular organization has become powerful enough and contributes enough money during political races, Osama might even find himself standing on the dais during a presidential visit.It is possible in Miami. Yes! A place where ‘good’ terrorists are revered by people blinded by hatred.A couple of years back, during a visit to Miami, President George W. Bush had the ‘honor’ of sharing the stage with convicted terrorist Orlando Bosch -- also implicated in the Cubana bombing. Among many other crimes, Bosch was arrested in Florida in 1968 for attacking a Polish freighter with a 57 mm recoilless rifle simply because it flew the flag of a communist state. Bosch served time for this and other terrorist doings. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (at the time a businessman), Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (in the state legislature then) and Florida Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero (then an up-and-coming attorney and Harvard grad) managed to have him pardoned by Jeb’s dad, the first President Bush.Four years ago I ran into Guillermo Novo by happenstance. He was working for the Allappattah Business Development Corporation, a quasi-public enterprise funded through the city and county of Miami and Miami-Dade, respectively. Novo is another convicted Cuban American terrorist. He was involved in the 1976 murder of Chilean Ambassador Orlando Letelier. He once fired a bazooka at the United Nations when Che Guevara was to speak.But here was Guillermo, it was 2004, his hands shaking from old age, and collecting a paycheck from a Miami taxpayer-funded institution. It was as if a “terrorist experience a plus” want ad had been placed in The Miami Herald.A friend recently told me that Miami Cuban exiles are a very united group. What brings them together, she said, is hatred.Her words surprised me. The more I thought about them, though, the more I agreed with her. Their hatred is so ferocious and overpowering that most have become old, and in many ways useless, as they wage their war to overthrow the Cuban government from Miami street corners while sipping “cortaditos” in their over-starched and expensive linen guayaberas. No wonder the few with the misguided courage to really do something are lauded for the bravery that is missing in the many who live vicariously through them.Sadly, in the end, Frankenstein’s monsters, now living their waning years comfortably in Miami, are responsible for way too many deaths for the sake of American democracy. And most disturbing is the perception that they’ve had Uncle Sam’s blessing along the way.

Declaration Committee of Relatives of the Victims of the Bombing of the Civilian Airliner in Barbado
- On September 20th, 2001, when the generous and hard-working people of the United States were overcome with grief over the loss of thousands of their children following an abominable act of terrorism, during an address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American people, President George Bush declared: "Tonight we are a country awakened to danger...” The people of Cuba, sensitive to the pain of the relatives of the innocent victims of September 11 shared, as no other people in the world, in the grief and the feelings that gripped all US citizens at the time. As a nation, Cuba has not had a moment’s rest in over half a century, shaken by the constant fear of enduring new acts of terrorism. Shockingly, the terrorists who have murdered over 3,478 Cubans walk the streets of Miami free of all care. One of them even boasts of his actions and declares that his crimes do not rob him of a wink of sleep. This monster, responsible for the deaths of citizens in three different continents, is named Luis Posada Carriles. On May 8th, it will be a year since he was set free in the United States, a country that claims to be the leader of a crusade against terrorism. The government of the United States fails to meet the treaties for the struggle against terrorism it has signed by failing to try Luis Posada Carriles as terrorist. The government of the United States violates the extradition treaty it signed with Venezuela in 1922 by ignoring the request of the sister nation of Venezuela to try this notorious terrorist and fugitive from justice in Venezuela. There is no shortage of moral reasons to demand the trial of the monster who ended the lives of our relatives. We feel genuine pride at being the children of a revolution that has preached respect towards human life through example. This past May 6th marked 10 years since our revolutionary government alerted the Clinton administration, through Nobel Prize laureate Gabrial Garcia Marquez, of terrorist plans targeting commercial airliners. This timely forewarning spared us the tears of new, orphaned children, children who would have cried, as we did, over the death of our parents. It pains us to know that five anti-terrorist activists, responsible for this opportune and life-saving alert, are unjustly imprisoned in US jails. It is absurd that the mastermind behind the worst crime against civil aviation ever to be perpetrated in the hemisphere should be free in Miami, while federal security organizations, conscious of the extreme danger he represents, have barred him from travelling in US commercial airliners. Posada Carriles, a confessed murderer and active terrorist, is given the freedom denied the five Cuban anti-terrorist activists. Today, before the international community, we affirm once again that we shall not rest a minute in our demand for justice and that this criminal, who shows no remorse over his terrorist past, be brought to justice. We demand that the government of the United States, if it is unwilling to try the notorious terrorist, accept his extradition to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. We demand that, if it is unwilling to meet its international commitments, the government of the United States publicly recognize that Posada Carriles is a terrorist it is duty-bound to protect. This past May 2nd, the Miami-based Cuban-American mafia feted the monster, whom they referred to, significantly, as the "Champion of Freedom". Mr. Bush, put all hypocrisy aside and stop lying to your people. Acknowledge, once and for all, that Posada Carriles is your terrorist-for-hire, that you require his terrorist services. On September 20th, 2001, you stated that unchecked terror can not only tear down buildings but also threaten the stability of legitimate governments. Mr. Bush, you should acknowledge, once and for all, that you need the type of terrorism your administration perpetrates against Cuba to go unchecked. We know the reasons behind this very well, you yourself admitted to them in a speech you delivered on October 24th last year, when you stated: "the key word in our future relations with Cuba is not ‘stability’ but ‘freedom’.” More than three decades have elapsed since the abominable mid-air bombing of the civilian plane was perpetrated. Many of the fathers who survived their murdered children are no longer with us, having passed away with great pain in the hearts over the loss of their beloved child and the impunity that has surrounded the crime. We make our Commander in Chief’s recent declaration our own: "neither the living nor the dead" shall cease to demand that terrorist Luis Posada Carriles be brought to justice. Let no one harbour any doubts about this: humanity’s thirst for justice is on our side. WE DEMAND JUSTICE!

Cuba Focuses on World Food Crisis
-Geneva, May 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba demanded from the General Council of the World Trade Organization (WTO) a more comprehensive approach to the food crisis that involves other factors like privatization.In the speech of the counselor of the Cuba Permanent Mission in Geneva Jorge Ferrer to the WTO debates, he positively valued the diagnosis of WTO general secretary Pascal Lamy over food crisis.However, Ferrer emphasized that the causes are not only over bio-fuel or climate problems but also on unequal liberalization of agriculture in rich and developing countries in the last 30 years.The finance and world trade companies have promoted politics that undermined national food productions, investments in agriculture, support to farmers and small farmers and the States" role for decades, he added."In fact, there is no need for food shortage in the world market;á there is enough food in the world to feed the population worldwide," he said.According to the FAO, the world could feed up to 12 billion people in the future, he emphasized.

Cuba Presents Draft Documents for Non Aligned Movement Meeting
-United Nations, May 8 (RHC)-Cuba´s Deputy Foreign Minister Abelardo Moreno presented on Wednesday before the Coordination Bureau of the Non Aligned Movement a draft document for the ministerial meeting to be held in July in Teheran, Iran.The Cuban official also presented a draft declaration and the Action Plan of the 7th Meeting of Information Ministers of the NAM, scheduled for July 2nd to the 4th in Margarita Island, Venezuela. The draft of the ministerial meeting in Teheran from July 27th to the 30th is an update of the final document approved by the Heads of State or Government of the Non Aligned Movement held in Havana in 2006. Moreno said that there are a series of issues that have evolved during a year and a half of work and stressed that what is particularly important is that the document points out the objectives and principles of the Movement approved in Havana. After highlighing the declaration which he characterized as a working guide for the Non Aligned Movement for these coming years, the Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister pointed out that it must be updated with the main problems facing the world today. According to Cuban sources, the document is being updated in issues like disarmament, economy and social situations as well as regional problems, how the conflicts have evolved and which are the new regional situations for which the NAM has had to work on. Other aspects included in the action plan is the revitilization of the Non Aligned Movement, not only at UN headquarters in New York but also expanding its radius in Geneva and strengthening in Vienna.The Non Aligned Movement has begun to work hard in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in the Hague and work with UNICEF in Paris. Spokespersons from the Cuban Mission to the UN said that the documents presented were welcomed with sympathy and enthusiasm by the representatives of the 118 member nations of the Non Aligned Movement.

South Am Debates Regional Energy
-Caracas, May 8 (Prensa Latina) Representatives from country members of the Union of South America Nations (UNASUR) debate in this capital Thursday aspects linked to regional energy strategy, as part of arrangements for the bloc"s summit in Brasilia.According to reports from the Venezuelan Oil Ministry, Minister Rafael Ramirez will create the First Energy Council of South America, responsible for reviewing conclusions of forums prior to experts level.Ministerial representatives from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guyanaand Uruguay, as well as delegates from Surinam, Peruand Paraguay attend the meeting.Among documents to analyze is a draft of Guidelines of the South American Energy Action Plan and those of the Energy Treaty of South America.The issue becomes important faced with the sustainable rise of hydrocarbons, with values surpassing $120 per barrel and strongly hitting economies of nations importing crude oil.The Margarita declaration was inked in April last year by UNASUR statesmen, and this paved the way to agree the Energy Council of South America, made up of energy ministers from each country.Analysts consider this event a previous step to the bloc"s top meeting to be held May 23 in Brasilia.

Cuba Draws Labor Leaders Despite Bad Press
By Circles Robinson*
The mainstream international media paints Cuba as a hell-hole where a down-trodden people have few rights, and even fewer cars or cell phones. An AP article widely circulated on Tuesday, quoted a Freedom House study, calling Cuba one of the “most repressive” countries on Earth.,

¡Que horror!, hasta dónde y hasta cuándo
Cuando alguien une todas las mentiras, unas por acá y otras por allá, no puedo pensar en otra cosa que en una maniobra muy bien pensada y ejecutada para intentar de subvertir la Revolución cubana,

Cuban Radar,

ESTADÍSTICAS SIN RIMEL - Por Ángel Marqués Dolz La Cuba patriarcal goza de salud,

MUJERES-CUBA: Violencia pública fuera de debate,

ECONOMÍA-CUBA: Dualidad monetaria sigue en discusión,

Un antídoto contra la arrogancia
Por: Luis Sexto,

Destaca Eusebio Leal dimensiones populares del turismo en Cuba
Carmen Oria (AIN) Eusebio Leal, Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana, definió hoy al turismo como una acción culta y antigua que en Cuba toma dimensiones populares con el triunfo de la Revolución.Al disertar en la XXXVIII Feria Internacional de Turismo(FITCUBA 2008), en presencia de Manuel Marrero, ministro del ramo, agentes de viajes, turoperadores extranjeros y nacionales, Leal dijo que la industria del ocio es una fuerza de desarrollo para la Isla, con gran riqueza cultural, histórica y patrimonial.Tras comentar detalles sobre las ciudades históricas, correspondientes a las siete primeras Villas fundadas por los españoles en varias provincias de esta geografía, se pronunció por que los visitantes vengan llenos de amor para con el pueblo cubano y descubrirlo en su quehacer cotidiano.El también Embajador de Buena Voluntad de la UNESCO comentó acerca del programa de mejoramiento social y espiritual que desarrolla la Oficina del Historiador. Enumeró las acciones que acontecen en el Centro Histórico de La Habana Vieja con la rehabilitación de edificios patrimoniales, construcción de viviendas para la Tercera Edad, y la preparación de las nuevas generaciones con la experiencia en las aulas-museos.Leal insistió en trabajar por hacer de la cocina cubana una muestra fehaciente de las tradiciones nacionales, y planteó además el reto de hacerlas vivir en cada comunidad para que el visitante las disfrute en una Cuba que ofrece seguridad a sus visitantes.

Nuevos aires soplan en Cuatro Caminos
De cómo empieza a dar resultados el programa de enfrentamiento a las ilegalidades e indisciplinas sociales en el capitalino Mercado Único. Obras de rehabilitación constructiva en marcha.,

Jornadas cubanas por la Libertad de Expresión:
Mataron a un periodista en Cuba, …pero hace 50 años,

El clamor
Sobre un reportaje y un premio del diario El País
Pascual Serrano,

En mi opinión
Acerca de la recientemente establecida sección de correspondencia del diario Granma y sobre algunos de los cambios a producir en nuestro país, dentro de la dinámica de la Revolución. Carlos E. Chichá Calderín,

EEUU: Congresista lamenta declaraciones de Torrijos sobre Cuba
Por E.J. TÁMARA WASHINGTON (AP) — La congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen expresó durante una reunión el jueves al presidente panameño Martín Torrijos su inquietud por sus "preocupantes" declaraciones sobre el gobierno castrista."No puedo entender cómo, siendo un líder electo democráticamente, él (Torrijos) procuraría ampliar relaciones con la dictadura de Cuba comunista", dijo en un comunicado la republicana por Florida. "En vez de eso, el presidente Torrijos debería extender su apoyo y reforzar las relaciones de Panamá con disidentes pro derechos humanos en Cuba y la oposición pacífica pro democracia. Espero que él reconsidere sus declaraciones recientes".El mandatario visitó oficialmente Cuba a fines de abril, habló telefónicamente con Fidel Castro y se reunió con su homólogo Raúl Castro, con quien suscribió acuerdos de cooperación y examinó el último periodo de relaciones diplomáticas binacionales."Estamos en un gran momento de nuestras relaciones" bilaterales, manifestó entonces Torrijos en la isla.De visita oficial en Washington, Torrijos está promoviendo la aprobación de la Iniciativa Mérida y el tratado de libre comercio entre Panamá y Estados Unidos. Torrijos no contestó inmediatamente un mensaje de la AP para solicitarle sus comentarios.La congresista también le dijo a Torrijos que estaba preocupada por lo que considera "influencia china" en Panamá y el historial electoral de Panamá contra Israel en la Asamblea General de la ONU."Beijing está queriendo manipular a países en el hemisferio para que apoyen una política única china y rompan sus relaciones con Taiwán, nación democrática", dijo la republicana de más alto rango en el Comité de Relaciones Exteriores de la cámara baja. "Le pedí al presidente Torrijos que se mantenga firme en su compromiso hacia las fuertes relaciones bilaterales con Taiwán".Ros-Lehtinen también resaltó el fuerte papel de Panamá en la promoción de la Iniciativa Mérida, paquete de ayuda financiera para México y Centroamérica para combatir el narcotráfico y el crimen organizado.

Nuestra América
José Martí Pérez
Cree el aldeano vanidoso que el mundo entero es su aldea, y con tal que él quede de alcalde, o le mortifique al rival que le quitó la novia, o le crezcan en la alcancía los ahorros, ya da por bueno el orden universal, sin saber de los gigantes que llevan siete leguas en las botas y le pueden poner la bota encima, ni de la pelea de los cometas en el Cielo, que van por el aire dormido engullendo mundos. Lo que quede de aldea en América ha de despertar. Estos tiempo no son para acostarse con el pañuelo a la cabeza, sino con las armas de almohada, como los varones de Juan de Castellanos; las armas del juicio, que vencen a las otras. Trincheras de ideas valen más que trincheras de piedra.,

Libros Libres
PDF, 983 kb
MAS-IPSP de Bolivia: Instrumento político que surge de los movimientos socialesMarta Harnecker y Federico Fuentes,

Para la filósofa francesa Bárbara Cassin es ´la segunda misión de los EEUU´
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