Friday, May 30, 2008

USAID reveals its plans for subversion in Cuba

La USAID revela sus planes para la subversión en Cuba
Asamblea de las ONG mercenarias en Washington.
¿Cómo dilapidarán los 45 millones de dólares asignados para subvertir el orden interno en la Isla por mediación de “instituciones experimentadas”, preferiblemente europeas y latinoamericanas?,

Mercenary NGOs meet in Washington
USAID reveals its plans for subversion in Cuba,

Hitting Cuba through Bolivia
USAID Objective: Bolivia
by Néstor García Iturbe,

A response to Obama’s Miami CANF speech
By Barbara Cusack
Read Spanish Version,
I agree that Senator McCain’s view of the Americas is out of touch, but so is telling the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), sons and daughters of forces ousted from Cuba for crimes against humanity, that theirs is a legacy of conviction, commitment to freedom, and hard-earned prosperity. Your message of freedom must first stand the constitutional test in Miami. You spoke of freedom from fear, leaving out acts of terrorism perpetrated with absolute impunity against the people of Cuba. Some were financed by members and former members of CANF (by convicted terrorist Posada Carriles’s own account to the New York Times), costing more than 3,000 lives, and countless suffering.You spoke of dissidents treated unfairly, yet this very week Cuba has put forth irrefutable evidence of convicted terrorists from South Florida sending those “dissidents” hefty contributions through the U.S. Interests Section in Havana. That was a missed golden opportunity to attack the duality of Bush’s bogus war on terror.You said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Five Cuban political prisoners languish in U.S. federal prisons for infiltrating organizations in Miami, such as CANF, in order to avert acts of terrorism. They were unfairly tried in Miami and sentenced from 15 years to two consecutive life terms. This Administration continues to deprive them of basic human rights, while politicizing their case and squandering resources, in order to appease some who applaud you in Miami.You vowed to be a relentless advocate for democracy, but like Bush and McCain failed to define it, preferring instead to speak to fascists about Roosevelt’s speech on the Nazis.You called Hugo Chavez a demagogue. Yet, while Exxon makes record profits, Chavez sells natural gas to the poorest in our country at modest prices. Maybe you shouldn’t spend too much time with extremists Miami.You spoke of freedom from fear in the America of Marti. Yet it was U.S. meddlesome policies and expansionism that Marti taught us to fear the most.While you are forced to raise millions of dollars to run for public office, Cubans can run for public office for free. While you promise to make health insurance available to all, Cubans enjoy one of the best healthcare systems on the planet, for free. While you promise to make college loans available, Cubans enjoy free education.When I look at the coffee mug with your photo on it at work next week, I’ll blush.Barbara Cusack is an attorney and a Barack Obama for president supporter.

Carta abierta sobre la política estadounidense hacia Cuba
James D. Cockcroft,

Indisciplina social
La zanja de la vergüenza,

Cartas a la dirección
La correspondencia continúa: llamadas telefónicas, cartas y mensajes electrónicos de muchos lectores en torno a cómo continuar mejorando nuestra sociedad. A partir de la diversidad de criterios y preocupaciones sobre los temas publicamos hoy cinco opiniones y dos respuestas con las que se puede estar o no de acuerdo,

Respuesta al Periódico Granma artículo publicado con fecha 11-4-08, Mejora el transporte pero no cuidamos y muchos ómnibus son una bola de churre.,

En Cuba los periodistas somos como los demás,

Arnold August: Response to State Dep't Annual Report on Cuba,
Cuba, Advancing Freedom and Democracy Reports - 2008
Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor,

Engaging Cuba, 50 Years Later
By Marcela Sanchez Special to
WASHINGTON -- Probably no event could stand as better proof of a U.S. foreign policy failure than the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, to be marked on Jan. 1. Nineteen days later, a new U.S. president -- the 11th since Fidel Castro toppled Fulgencio Batista's regime -- will inherit that policy. Judging by the presidential candidates' statements last week, only Sen. Barack Obama suggests a change. Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain promote mostly more of the same: a continuation of the trade embargo and other restrictions, combined with support for dissident forces within the island. In a speech in Miami last Friday, Obama pledged to immediately lift President Bush's 2004 restrictions on family travel and remittances, adding that "there are no better ambassadors for freedom than Cuban-Americans." What's more, he became the first U.S. presidential candidate in decades to leave open the possibility of starting a dialogue with the Castro brothers "without preconditions." Although Obama said such talks would come only "at a time and place of my choosing," he seems willing to go well beyond Clinton or McCain in reaching out to Cuba's rulers. This "softer" stance would have meant political suicide in South Florida not long ago, but things are changing. According to Florida International University's 2007 Cuba poll, a majority of Cuban-American voters still supports a military intervention to overthrow the Castro government. But at the same time, a majority also favors undoing Bush's restrictions (52.1 percent) and establishing a dialogue with representatives of the Cuban government (60.1 percent). That may seem like a contradiction, but Hugh Gladwin, director of the Institute for Public Opinion Research, which conducted the poll, says that "a lot of people are so sick of the current situation that they want anything that would change it." If change is indeed the key word, then the Obama campaign has gotten the message. Frustration within the Cuban-American community grew particularly strong during the nearly eight years of tough talk by the Bush administration, which many Cuban-Americans now feel was purely political pandering. Bush claims to have dramatically stepped up U.S. efforts to promote freedom and democracy in Cuba through a bottom-up approach that supports civil society groups on the island. And in strict terms, he put more money into his Cuban freedom agenda and even created a new bureaucracy to run it. Unfortunately, very little was accomplished. The Cuban American National Foundation, one of the most influential anti-Castro groups, found in a March report that less than 17 percent of the funds earmarked for Cuba through the U.S. Agency for International Development were used for direct assistance. "The remaining 83 percent was used to cover operating expenses of grantee organizations, off-island transition studies and U.S.-based activities," the foundation said. You could level a criticism against Obama's top-down approach for thinking that he could talk the Cuban regime into changing. McCain has in fact slammed Obama for proposing a dialogue, which he said would send "the worst possible signal to Cuba's dictators." That retired President Fidel Castro signaled his support for Obama -- calling him, in a column published Monday, the "most progressive" of the candidates -- doesn't help matters either. Republicans too criticize Obama for what they see as an inherent contradiction: pushing for engagement while easing, but not lifting, the embargo. But such criticism ignores a basic tenet of diplomacy. Sanctions can provide the leverage to negotiate with your enemies. And what's more, sanctions used as a tool for continued isolation have clearly had their chance -- and failed. As Anthony Lake, Obama's senior international affairs adviser, pointed out in an e-mail, "a refusal to talk seldom produces results." The reality is that Obama's proposal is not that innovative (Latin Americans have been trying a similar approach for a long time, clearly with limited success) and criticisms of his proposal simply miss the point. The Obama campaign is acknowledging something that others have either missed or have evaluated differently, and this is that the Cuban exile community now encompasses more diverse views and, as a whole, is frustrated with the status quo. While Cuban-Americans have solidly supported Republicans in the past -- presidents, governors and representatives in Congress -- Obama and the Democrats are better off offering a real alternative from the strict hard line of the past. The time is right for it. If Obama ends up winning the presidency, January may in fact mark another momentous occasion: the irreversible erosion of a stubborn foreign policy approach based on the perceived single-mindedness of the Cuban-American constituency.

INVITACION A FORO DEBATE EN :, Jueves 5 de junio de 2008 de 10:00 a 12:00 hrs (hora de Cuba). MINREX .El Centro de Estudios Che Guevara, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba y la Organización Latinoamericana de Estudiantes convocan al Foro Debate: "Visión contemporánea del Che en el 80 aniversario de su nacimiento. Retos y desafíos de su legado para la juventud de todo el mundo”. El mismo tendrá lugar el jueves 5 de junio de 2008, de 10:00 a 12:00 hrs (hora de Cuba). Participarán Aleida Guevara March, Camilo Guevara March, María del Carmen Ariet y otros estudiosos de la figura del Che. Por espacio de dos horas los participantes intercambiarán con los inter-nautas y estos a su vez podrán preguntar sobre este extraordinario hombre, su legado para la juventud mundial y toda la humanidad. The “Che Guevara” Center of Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba call to the Forum Debate: “Contemporary vision of Che Guevara in his 80 birth anniversary. Challenges of his legacy for the worldwide youth. ” will take place on Thursday, June 5th, 2008 from 10.00 am to 12.00 m (Cuba’s local time) with the participation of : Aleida Guevara March, Camilo Guevara March, María of the Carmen Ariet and other scholars of Che’s figure. For two hours, they will exchange views with the web site’s visitors who will have the opportunity to ask questions about this extraordinary man, his legacy for the worldwide youth and the entire humankind.You are invited to participate.

Un nuevo sitio web creado por el aniversario 80 del natalicio de Ernesto Che Guevara fue presentado hoy en el Centro de Prensa Internacional, de esta capital, reportó la Agencia de Información Nacional.Con la dirección, el sitio responde a una convocatoria del Centro de Estudios del Che, el Centro Pablo de la Torriente Brau y la Casa de las Américas a intelectuales y artistas latinoamericanos a expresar con sus obras la dimensión de esta figura universal.Esta página web cuenta con secciones dedicadas a mantener viva la vida y obra del Che a través de fotografías, algunas inéditas, documentos personales, canciones de la nueva trova, testimonios y valoraciones sobre su persona.Entre los que han respondido a la convocatoria se encuentran personalidades como Eduardo Galeano, Frei Betto, Silvio Rodríguez, Miguel Barnet, Mario Benedetti y Raúl Roa Kourí.En la sección Palabra Viva se presenta en audio y con la posibilidad de ser descargados fragmentos de discursos del Che, poemas de Nicolás Guillén, Julio Cortázar, y temas musicales de autores reconocidos como Carlos Puebla, Vicente Feliú, Gerardo Alfonso y más.El sitio también incluye carteles realizados por 20 diseñadores con motivo de la efeméride, que serán expuestos en la sala Majadahonda del Centro Pablo de la Torriente Brau el día del cumpleaños del Guerrillero Heroico.La página, será presentada nuevamente el 14 de junio, como parte de las jornadas de celebración del cumpleaños 80 del Che que finalizarán en Rosario, su ciudad natal en Argentina, al develarse una estatua de bronce con la figura del Guerrillero Heroico.

Eduardo Galeano presenta su último libro,
"Espejos, una historia casi universal", fue el pretexto del escritor y periodista para ofrecer una actualización de su perspectiva de la sociedad, 37 años después de sacudir conciencias con "Las venas abiertas de América Latina".,

Entrevista al escritor Eduardo Galeano
"¿Cómo se explica que importe más alimentar a los autos que a la gente?",

Más allá de peinar canas
Orfilio Peláez
Pese a una discreta recuperación en el número de nacimientos ocurridos en el 2007 (1 149 más que el año precedente), la tendencia al decrecimiento de la población cubana persistirá en las próximas dos décadas, si no logramos revertir ese comportamiento.,

Cronología de un montaje: Prensa, mentiras y ordenadores de las FARC
Cómo convertir a Chávez en terrorista en dos meses
Pascual Serrano,

Crónica de una canallada anunciada (en los mass media)
Canalladas mediáticas contra Bolivia,