Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Reflexiones de Fidel Castro:
La sumisión a la política imperial

US suggests Cuban government behind Castro dead rumours

(agencies) The United States suggested Monday that the latest round of rumours of ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro's death might have been started by the government.
"I would say that the Cuban government has always been very good at stirring the nest whenever they felt the need to," said Gonzo Gallegos, a State Department spokesman.
"I can't say whether or not this is them or something else that is happening," he said when commenting on talk among Cuban exiles and echoed by foreign news outlets, especially in Florida, that the ailing Castro, 81, had died.
When asked by reporters whether he was suggesting that Havana was circulating rumours that Castro was dead, Gonzo replied, "All I was saying was that the Cuban government takes the opportunity when it sees fit to take care of itself."
Castro, who turned 81 on August 13 with little celebration in Cuba, underwent intestinal surgery in July 2006 and handed power over temporarily to his brother Raul.
He has not been seen in public since before the operation, though he has appeared in photographs and eight videos, the last of which aired on June 5.
Gallegos said he did not believe Castro was dead.
"I don't have any reason to believe he is dead."

Reflections of President Fidel Castro
Remembering Chibás, 100 years after his birth

Llegará a Cuba Secretario General Iberoamericano

Cumpliendo una invitación oficial del Gobierno cubano, llegará hoy a La Habana el Excelentísimo Señor Enrique Iglesias, Secretario General Iberoamericano.
Esta es la segunda ocasión en que el distinguido huésped visita a Cuba en el desempeño de esta alta responsabilidad.
Durante su estancia en nuestro país, el Secretario General Iberoamericano sostendrá conversaciones oficiales con el Canciller Felipe Pérez Roque y será recibido por otros dirigentes cubanos. Asimismo, visitará lugares de interés científico y social.
Cuba participa en las actividades, eventos y proyectos promovidos por la Conferencia Iberoamericana. La próxima Cumbre Iberoamericana se celebrará en Chile, del 8 al 10 de noviembre, y ha sido convocada bajo el tema central Cohesión social y políticas sociales para alcanzar sociedades más inclusivas en Iberoamérica.

Schwarzenberg discusses Cuba with US congressmen

Prague(CTK) - Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg discussed the situation in Cuba with a group of members of the U.S. Congress who promote the democratisation of Cuba at a meeting in Prague Monday.
The Czech Republic's critical position towards the totalitarian regime of Cuban leader Fidel Casto is generally known.
At a meeting with Czech ambassadors today, Schwarzenberg said that an emphasis on human rights protection was a priority of Czech diplomacy.
The restriction of human rights in the ever shrinking world is dangerous for international community and the Czech Republic, Schwarzenberg told the ambassadors.
Czech-Cuban relations have been on the freezing point due to Prague's uncompromising position since the Czech Republic adopted a very tough stand on Havana.
The United States has implemented the policy of isolation of Castro's regime for 45 years. The position of Spain, a member of the European Union, is more lenient - it has launched a dialogue with Castro's regime in all spheres.
Schwarzenberg expressed support for the opponents of the Cuban regime before he became Czech foreign minister. In May 2005 he was deported from Cuba after he arrived in this country to meet Cuban dissidents.
In 2006, the Cuban embassy in Prague protested against the Czech Republic's position on the Cuban regime in a note to the Czech Foreign Ministry. In the spring of 2006, Havana and Prague even deported each other's diplomats.
The U.S. congressmen headed by Congressman Albio Sires also met Czech Ambassador to Cuba Vit Korselt today.

Una lista más larga que la de Schindler

Por: Rosa Miriam Elizalde
Mientras esperamos por el nombre del fascista que nombrará George W. Bush como nuevo Fiscal General, la prensa norteamericana informa subrepticiamente que el FBI incluyó unas 20 000 personas en su lista de posibles terroristas.

Iniciativa de médicos cubanos en beneficio de bolivianos

(AIN) Como parte de la Operación Milagro, oftalmólogos cubanos participaron en una Feria de Salud en el municipio boliviano de El Alto, donde realizaron una pesquisa para detectar casos de cataratas o carnosidades.
De febrero de 2006 a la fecha, más de 115 mil personas de muy bajos ingresos, entre ellas argentinos, peruanos, brasileños y paraguayos, han recuperado la visión en 12 centros oftalmológicos, un servicio que ahora también se brinda en condiciones de campaña.
La Feria, que contó con el respaldo de estudiantes de la carrera de Enfermería de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), de La Paz, permitió que los habitantes de la región acudieran a consultas gratuitas en todas las especialidades, informa un despacho de Prensa Latina.
Isabel Gómez, coordinadora en La Paz de este programa que impulsan Cuba y Venezuela, comentó que los colaboradores de la Isla han recibido numerosas muestras de cariño y agradecimiento de la población.
También precisó que este tipo de iniciativa permite a numerosas familias, sobre todo de regiones alejadas de centros urbanos, beneficiarse de la atención médica y recibir información sobre diferentes programas de salud en la comunidad.

Denuncia Alarcón violaciones de fiscalía en caso de Los CincoReconocidos juristas explican proceso de apelación

Cuba: Estamos contigo!’ Rainbow solidarity for Cuban Five circles the globe

Caso de los Cinco héroes cubanos Nueva vista oral evidencia mala conducta del gobierno estadounidense
En el espacio televisivo de la Mesa Redonda Informativa se analizó el tema sobre la manipulación de la justicia en el caso de esos luchadores antiterroristas


The Government of the Republic of Cuba provided a Sanitary Brigade composed of ten Cuban technicians, along with thirty spray equipments to support the relief efforts of the Government of Belize after the pass of Hurricane Dean. On Friday, a plane chartered by the Government of Cuba arrived in Belize and since Saturday, the Cuban Sanitary Brigade is working in hurricane-affected areas in northern Belize. So far seven hundred and fifty houses of the Villages of Caledonia, Xaibe , Chan Chen and Patchakan have been benefited by the Cuban technicians and personnel of the Ministry of Health of Belize. The supplies donated by Cuba, includes three hundred liters of Cipermetrin . The Cuban Sanitary Brigade will stay in the country for two weeks. After their return, the equipments will be donated by Cuba to the Ministry of Health of Belize for further use in the local programs of epidemiologic control. The Cuban Team is part of “Henry Reeve’ International Contingent of Doctors Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics”; an international brigade intended to respond anywhere that natural or other disasters occur. This Contingent was founded in August 2005 when more than 1,500 hundred Cuban medical doctors were willing to assist the Katrina hurricane victims in southern U-S-A. In September of that year, 700 doctors were sent to Guatemala where twelve out of twenty two states were hit by flooding and mudslides and associated disease. In October, when Pakistan was hit by a tremendous earthquake, 2,500 Members of the Henry Reeve Contingent set up in Pakistan thirty two field hospitals packed with high-tech equipment. The Brigade also has worked in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Peru.

Evocación autobiográfica de La Habana (I)

Rutas y Andares,
atractiva propuesta de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana Se trata de una forma diferente de recreación y distracción para la familia cubana, durante los meses de verano

Cuentas Claras
Tras el oro negro
Cualquier noticia con olor a petróleo atrae de inmediato la atención de la prensa, los gobiernos y la gente humilde, en un mundo cuya economía descansa –y tiembla- sobre el oro negro. En Cuba también, por supuesto.

Cuba upgrading its weapons

AFP CUBA has been upgrading its military arsenal since President Fidel Castro fell ill 13 months ago, to defend itself against a possible US invasion, senior officers said today.
"In the irregular combat we would face in Cuba in case of an invasion, the engineering, infantry and artillery systems we produce and repair here are of vital importance, because they're designed for the aggressor's direct assault," said Lieutenant-Colonel Pascual Machado, chief coordinator of Cuba's Military Industrial Firm (EMI).
EMI director Colonel Arturo Torres told the Trabajadores newspaper the facilities he runs "have increased their production level since 1998 more than fourfold".
Weapon systems that have been upgraded in precision targeting and destructive capabilities include munitions, grenades, land mines and anti-tank rockets, Trabajadores said.
As an example, the weekly said a laser-guided targeting system called VLMA, has boosted the AK-M automatic rifle's precision by 80-90 per cent, regardless of the shooter's skill level.
Interim Cuban President Fidel Castro, on Cuba's July 26 national day, urged the successor of US President George W. Bush to seek an end to more than a half century of US-Cuban enmity through dialogue.
Washington said talks would be possible only if Cuba turned to democracy.
Raul, 76, who was appointed to Cuba's top post after Fidel, 81, underwent delicate surgery on July 31, 2006, also warned that Cuba was ready to defend itself if needed.
Raul said special military operation Caguairan, put in place following Castro's illness, would finish at the end of next year - US presidential elections take place in November next year.
Fidel Castro, who has been writing regularly in Cuba's leading newspapers since March, in a June article said Cuba should continue producing and buying weapons to defend itself from the "growing aggression" of the Bush administration.

El software libre es socialista;
un artículo de Sandra Parrahttp://www.insurgente.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=10837,

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La muerte de Fidel
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