Thursday, June 19, 2008

CIA - Fidel - The FIVE

The Fight for the Liberation of the Five Cuban Antiterrorists Must Continue
Ricardo Alarcón reiterated on TV last night that the case against the FiveCuban Anti-terrorists falsely accused in the US, is against Cuba and notjust these five men.
By: Marina Menéndez Quintero - juventud rebelde
Paul McKenna, lawyer for one of the five vowed that; «Nobody will abandonthis fight», after hearing the verdict on June 4 by the Eleventh Circuit ofthe Court of Appeals of Atlanta in connection with the Five.He said he was disappointed, because that court the same one that in 2005had declared the trial held in Miami inadmissible and therefore null andvoid due to the government´s misconduct in falsifying evidence for the jurynow gives another opinion less negative of the executive. It has reaffirmedthe guilty verdicts against René Gonzalez and Gerardo Hernandez, and calledfor a re-trial of the accused Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and FernandoGonzalez.However, McKenna maintains his hopes. There is abundant evidence thatconfirms the lack of proof to impute his client, Gerardosentenced to doublelife imprisonment and 15 yearsfor conspiracy to commit murder.Only one judge among the three members of the Tribunal took into accountthat contradiction, Phyllys Kravitch, who recognized some of the elementsput forward by McKenna. «They had modified the facts but, also, the statuteof law and the legal precedents», explained lawyer Roberto González, brotherof René, when commenting the position of Kravitch.A video was shown at the trial concerning some light planes that werebrought down for violating Cuban air space. The inference was that Gerardohad something to do with the planning of that. But there was no proofwhatsoever in court. Cuba was exercising its sovereignty, and that contextwas recognized by the judge.That point is, probably, one of the most illustrative to confirm, from thetechnical and legal angle, of the many inconsistencies and lack of justiceof a case that, definitively, is political, stressed the Cuban Parliament´sPresident Ricardo Alarcón in the program.As for René, his sentence to 15 years is without proof and, noted Alarcón,people found guilty of links with Al Qaeda, have received almost same, orsmaller sentences.«This is a trial against Cuba», Alarcón reiterated.The case now goes back to Miami, but will be in the hands of the same JudgeJoan Lennard, who already sentenced them so unjustly and severely, so nopositive revision can be expected.However, the defense is preparing a new appeal before the Court of Atlantaso that it makes another opinion, after which they would go to the SupremeCourt of Justice looking for the nullification of the verdict.In this battle for justice, which will have to be fought with the support ofthe people, it is essential to reach the American audience.It is necessary to continue, to continue fighting, Alarcón stressed.

CIA analyzes video of Fidel Castro for clues
...There is no doubt that Castro is dying, said the U.S. official, "we just don't know when."...
( and they are serious !),

Reflexiones del compañero Fidel
La hormiga y el elefante,

Bruselas debate la posible supresión de las sanciones impuestas a Cuba
Suecia y la República Checa podrían vetar la revocación de las medidas impuestas a la isla en la cita de hoy en Bruselas · La posición mayoritaria aboga por acabar con la política de castigo,
España cree que la UE acordará hoy sobre sanciones a Cuba,

EE.UU. se retira del incómodo Consejo de Derechos Humanos,

POLÍTICA-CUBA: Los cambios presentes y por venir Por Patricia Grogg *,

New Poll: Community Views On Cuba Changing
Younger Cuban-Americans Favor Easing Travel Restrictions, Lifting Embargo,

Instan a sostener la ética como estandarte en el sector de la salud
Convocó José Ramón Balaguer a profesionales y cuadros del sector de la salud a estudiar la carta de Fidel a la articulista de JR,

Definir los territorios de ventas, esencial para el éxito de la empresa,

El clan Bush y la mafia de Miami: la imagen que lo cuenta todo

Periodismo cubano
En los tiempos del cólera y el reggaeton
Juan Carlos Camaño,

Congresista pide a jefe de misión en Cuba no ignorar disidentes
WASHINGTON (AP) - La congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen pidió el miércoles al nuevo jefe de la misión estadounidense en Cuba que se libere de las presiones de seguir "siendo parte del status quo" y gestione una mayor visibilidad pública de los disidentes cubanos.,

Bush asks Congress to clear way for offshore oil drilling
...New drilling already could be in the works 50 miles off the Florida coast -- by Cubans, not Americans, with help from China and other allies. A rich undersea oil field stretches into Cuban waters near the Florida Keys."The people I represent can't understand how we can possibly let China end up with rights to our oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico because we say we're not going to do it and they say, 'OK, we'll do it, and we'll work with Cuba, if we have to, to do it,' " said U.S. Rep. Zach Wamp, R-Tennessee. "That's really asinine." ....,

TRANSMITEN POR TELEVISIÓN ENCUENTRO ENTRE CHÁVEZ, FIDEL Y RAÚL LA HABANA, 18 DE JUNIO (WORLD DATA SERVICE).- La televisión cubana trasmitió ayer imágenes del segundo encuentro celebrado entre el Presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez, el líder cubano Fidel Castro, y el Presidente cubano Raúl Castro. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRESIDENTE TABARÉ VÁZQUEZ SATISFECHO CON VISITA A CUBALA HABANA, 18 DE JUNIO (WORLD DATA SERVICE).- El presidente de la República Oriental de Uruguay, doctor Tabaré Vázquez, expresó hoy su satisfacción por llegar a Cuba para una visita oficial de casi cinco días. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------FERNANDO LUGO, PRESIDENTE ELECTO DE PARAGUAY VISITA VENEZUELA FIN CONOCER PROGRAMAS SOCIALES WORLD DATA SERVICE, 18/6/2008.- El presidente electo de Paraguay, el ex obispo Fernando Lugo, realizará hoy una visita a Venezuela, para conocer más detalles sobre los programas sociales que desarrolla el presidente Hugo Chávez, informaron medios locales . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------ESPAÑA ABRE NUEVA ETAPA DE RELACIONES CON VENEZUELA, DIJO CANCILLER MORATINOSWORLD DATA SERVICE, 18/6/2008.- El canciller español Miguel Angel Moratinos anunció en Caracas el inicio de una nueva etapa de relaciones diplomáticas entre el Gobierno de su país y la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.,

“A Fidel no le queda más remedio que admitir las reformas de Raúl”
Cuba vive una nueva etapa. Raúl Castro ha iniciado cambios “de gran calado”, aunque el periodista José Manuel Martín Medem cree que la asignatura pendiente del régimen es “democratizar el socialismo”. Si la nueva Administración de Estados Unidos levantara el bloqueo, “podría darse la apertura política”, explica. En su libro Cuba. La hora de los mameyes, Martín Medem, ex corresponsal de RTVE en Cuba, sostiene que la isla vive un “momento crucial”. En la jerga habanera, esa expresión significa “el momento crucial o la hora de la verdad”.,

Home ownership law takes effect
Housepic The National Housing Institute this week began to distribute ownership papers to Cubans who have occupied the same house for 20 years while working for the government and have made 240 monthly rental payments. An article in the weekly Trabajadores said that a law published in March that enables workers to take possession of their houses under those conditions has gone into effect. The distribution involves tens of thousands of homes, official sources told the French news agency AFP. More than 80 percent of all Cubans own their homes, but they cannot sell them -- only trade them. Many Cubans are hoping that the next socioeconomic reform instituted by Raúl Castro will permit them to sell their homes and buy others. The government's housing construction target for this year is 50,000 units.

US Policy on Cuban Immigrants Takes New Victims
HAVANA, Cuba, June 18 (acn) The recent death of two innocent people once again shows the double standard used by the US government under the Cuban Adjustment Act, which encourages Cubans to risk their lives to illegally reach the US.The latest victims were 11-year-old Jorge Luis Nuñez Sanchez, from the rural community of La Sierra in the Villa Clara municipality of Encrucijada and Yudersi Rosabal Rodriguez of Sagua la Grande.The tragic events occurred on Monday when a group of 20 persons from the province of Villa Clara tried to leave the country illegally by sea, motivated by the US law that grants Cubans residency and other privileges if they reach US soil, without concern for the high cost of human lives that such an irrational policy has caused over the years, reported Granma newspaper. They left shore in a rickety vessel from which the smugglers were to pick them up. However, when Cuban authorities noticed the operation and came to apprehend the smugglers they rammed the unstable vessel, sinking it to avoid arrest, knowing that the Cuban troops would rescue the people who fell into the sea rather than pursue them. Vivian Sanchez Cabrera cried uncontrollably over the loss of her only son. She is tormented by the guilt of having taken him out of school, away from his friends, and exposed him to such an unnecessary risk without weighing the consequences of such an irresponsible action. “I held Jorge Luis tight to me. During the entire journey he was the center of attention of everyone. He was never quiet,” said his mother.“He was next to me in the front of the boat when they rammed us and the boat suddenly turned over. The life jacket fell near me and the boy was torn away from my arms. I never saw him again,” recalls Vivian.“I lost my only son, now it’s too late to feel sorry. I should have thought before committing this madness,” said the mother of the victim.According to Miguel Laureiro Lopez, one of the people who tried to leave the country, the operation was coordinated with smugglers from Florida who charge US $10,000 per person. “On Saturday we were told of the plan which was to take place between Sunday night and early Monday,” explained Laureiro, who accompanied Vivian Sanchez Cabrera, mother of the lost boy.“We were waiting in a cay and about six in the morning on Monday, June 16, the boat arrived that would take the 14 men, 3 women and one child to Miami,” explained Miguel who said they went aboard the 5.6 meter wooden vessel and traveled some 16 miles off the Uvero beach cay.Surprised by a Cuban coastguard patrol boat from the Isabela de Sagua outpost, the two smugglers tried to escape persecution and smashed into the small vessel, without any concern for the defenseless passengers.“We’re going to kill everyone,” said one of the smugglers when the crash occurred, recalled Miguel Laureiro, a veterinarian who now regrets the irresponsible attitude that led to the death of two people, including the child, and caused serious injuries to two women, one of them whose life is in danger.Ramon Diaz Granado was saved by a miracle, rescued by his grandson when he was near drowning. The 65-year-old admits that it was a very serious error on his part to get involve on such a journey that would supposedly take him to paradise.He had gone to the US Interests Section several times to request a visa hoping to visit his three children who live in the United States. However, he always received evasive replies and false promises from the officials who work there.In his desperation, Ramon accepted a proposal to travel illegally and now laments the consequences.“I’d like to tell everyone not to commit the madness of involving their children in such an adventure. It’s condemning them to a sure death. You had to see the faces of the assassins and their rage when smashing our boat without concern if we all died,” said Diaz Granado, who today recognizes that if the majority were saved it was thanks to the calm and responsible attitude of the Coastguard troops.“They didn’t lose any time in trying to rescue us and take the injured women to the coast so they could be treated at a hospital,” said Granado.The smugglers acted like a true Mafia, only caring about the money and transporting people without any concern for the dangers involved.

Estado, libertad y estímulo en el socialismo. (1ra parte)
Estado y socialismo. El socialismo participativo, democrático y autogestionario ampliará la participación de los trabajadores y del pueblo en el gobierno hasta suprimir el burocratismo y la corrupción
Pedro Campos,

La necesaria contraofensiva de los trabajadores Los trabajadores son mucho más revolucionarios y participan activamente en la creación y formulación del país en que desean vivir, o seguirán siendo orpimidos y explotados y recibirán migajas Leonel González y Carlos C. Díaz,

EE.UU. empieza construcción de base militar en Colombia,

La web de Rebelió bloqueada desde Wikipedia,