Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba exige liberación de los Cinco

Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba exige liberación de los Cinco,

Cuba asegura que "derrotó" y "obligó" a la UE a levantar las sanciones
El responsable de Exteriores afirma que a Europa no le quedó más remedio que abandonar su política de fuerza,

Cuba welcomes end of EU sanctions
AFP - Cuba welcomed on Tuesday the European Union's lifting of sanctions against the communist-rule island, saying "truth" and "reason" had defeated the punitive measures."We never surrendered in this confrontation, because we were convinced that reason would prevail," Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said during an official visit in Angola, according to the state-run agency Prensa Latina.The EU "had no other choice but to abandon its strongarm policy," Perez Roque said. "The truth opened the way in the recent decision of the EU to lift its sanctions."It was the first reaction of Raul Castro's regime since the EU officially lifted its sanctions on Cuba Monday in the hope of encouraging democracy on the island in the post-Fidel Castro era.The move was decried by Washington and Cuban dissidents.The measure was a largely symbolic political step as the EU sanctions have been suspended since 2005. It was championed by Spain, which normalized relations with Cuba last year.Last weekend, Fidel Castro, 81, who officially handed power to his brother Raul in February due to an illness, described the EU's decision to end the sanctions "enormous hypocricy."Castro criticized the EU for demanding that human rights be respected in Cuba, while it approved a "brutal" immigration law and kept quiet about abuses committed by US President George W. Bush's administration.Cuban dissidents had said that Fidel Castro's decision to voice his criticism of the EU while the government remained silent hinted at a disagreement between the Castro brothers and within the Communist Party.

Europe takes the lead on Cuba
The EU's decision to end sanctions against Cuba sends a clear signal – still ignored by the US – that reform there must be nurtured,

EU Reversal on Cuba Sanctions Spotlights US Position,

Interpelación del Partido Popular en el Parlamento Europeo sobre Cuba
El portavoz adjunto del PP en el Parlamento Europeo, Gerardo Galeote, ha presentado una interpelación a la Comisión Europea para que explique que actitud ha mantenido con los grupos de la oposición democrática en Cuba desde enero de 2005, para verificar si ha cumplido el mandato que aprobaron entonces los ministros de Exteriores de la UE de mantener un diálogo reforzado y regular con ellos.La pregunta va dirigida especialmente al comisario de Desarrollo y Ayuda Humanitaria, Louis Michel, que está a cargo de las relaciones con Cuba y que ha sido uno de los promotores de la decisión de levantar las sanciones diplomáticas y de favorecer el diálogo político con la dictadura cubana. La pregunta deberá ser respondida en el próximo pleno, la semana que viene en Estrasburgo.La UE decidió levantar las sanciones, pero impuso una serie de condiciones cuyo cumplimiento se revisará en un año.

EE UU dice no tener prisa en entablar relaciones con la dictadura
Marta G. Hontoria - -washington- Aunque se mantiene reacio a flexibilizar su postura hacia Cuba, el Gobierno de EE UU ha digerido sorprendentemente bien la decisión europea de levantar las sanciones diplomáticas a la isla. «Las críticas de Fidel Castro nos indican que debe de haber algo bueno en la decisión de la Unión Europea», ha admitido Thomas Shannon, el secretario de Estado adjunto para Asuntos Hemisféricos. En una mesa redonda para periodistas españoles, Shannon quiso recalcar que EE UU comparte con sus socios europeos «una misma visión democrática para el futuro de Cuba». Esto no significa que Washington bendiga la supresión de las restricciones diplomáticas. «Nosotros no tenemos ninguna prisa en entablar relaciones con un Gobierno atrapado en una dictadura», subrayó. Lo que sí ha acogido con satisfacción EE UU son las condiciones impuestas por UE a cambio del diálogo, como la liberación de los presos políticos y la protección de los derechos humanos, que serán revisados dentro de un año. «Estos objetivos son los apropiados y subrayan el compromiso compartido por EE UU y la UE de convencer a los cubanos para que inauguren un proceso de apertura política que lleve a algún tipo de transición democrática». Shannon advirtió de que «el objetivo de la diplomacia cubana es dividir a Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea: no debemos entrar en ese juego». El diplomático elogió el papel de España en el levantamiento de las sanciones, pero desaconsejó la entrega de medallas. Shannon enfatizó que, hasta ahora, ninguna estrategia de ningún país ha funcionado con Cuba.

Scholars Lay Bridge Between US and Cuba
JOEL MAYOR LORAN - granma. Listening to the two national anthems and seeing the flags next to eachother has great historic significance: perhaps its a symbol that one day wewill be friends, said Cliff DuRand, coordinator of the network ofresearchers of the Radical Philosophy Association, at the opening of the20th Conference of Cuban and US philosophers and social scientists inHavana. SEEING THE FLAGS OF OUR COUNTRIES NEXT TO EACH OTHER MIGHT BE A SYMBOL THATONE DAY WE WILL BE FRIENDS, SAID CLIFF DURANDDuRand spoke about the founding of the conference back in 1982, when thevisiting delegation consisted of only six members; the number ofparticipants increased to 70, on one occasion even reaching 95,and in 1990they agreed to make the event annual. Restrictions on travel and academicexchange by the Bush administration made the number of participants dropconsiderably, but the will to maintain the contacts brought 17 USparticipants to Havana this year, he noted.Jualyne Dodson, coordinator for the US part, spoke about the opportunity theconference provides to support the Cuban project as well as bring youngstudents so they can see, feel and converse on the social development thatCuba inspires.The first day of the conference took place at the main auditorium of theUniversity of Havana. It continues through Friday at another hall located inthe Enrique Jose Varona building. Panel discussions that will be held areentitled: Culture and Identity; Workshop, political science from the South;Education; Socialism in the 21st Century; and Neoliberalism, resistingNeoliberalism.The opening conference on Bioethics and politics was presented by CarlosDelgado, author of the book Hacia un nuevo saber (Towards a new knowledge).Bioethics in a contemporary revolution of knowledge was presented by ArmandoHart Davalos, director of the Jose Marti Program Office.

Cuban Foreign Minister Visits Angola
Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque arrived in Luanda, capital of Angola, on Monday for an official visit, invited by his counterpart Joao Bernardo de Miranda. The Cuban official has a busy schedule that includes meetings with government authorities.After visiting Angola, Perez Roque will attend the ministerial level meeting of the 11th African Union Summit in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt taking place June 27-28.Cuba is invited to the meeting in its role as current president of the Non-Aligned Movement and Perez Roque is expected to address the ministers gathered. He will also hold talks with the heads of delegations attending the summit and meet with Egyptian authorities.

President Dos Santos Analyses Relations with Cuba,

LA HABANA, 24 DE JUNIO (WORLD DATA SERVICE).- Enero del 2008 comenzó bien, el presidente de Brasil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva visitó a Cuba, conversó con Fidel y Raúl Castro y rubricó un convenio millonario de prospección petrolera con la Isla. Leer,

Exploration of Oil Strip in Havana to Begin
HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 24 (acn) The Cuban capital Havana may become Cuba’s third largest oil producing territory, after Matanzas and La Habana provinces, said experts of Cuba Petroleo Company (Cupet). CUPET experts said five off-coast exploration wells are to be drilled in Habana del Este, Cojimar, Alamar, Bacuranao and Tarara, at the so-called heavy crude strip, reports Prensa Latina news agency. The specialists said some wells may yield lighter, lower sulphur oil, improving its commercial value and usage, help enhance its industrial power and domestic supply and replace imports. Cubahora rates domestic oil output growth in 2007 in four percent compared to 2006 and near seven fold the 1990 output, and covers 47 percent of the national demand.

Se avecina la batalla por el petróleo cubano frente a la costa de Florida
Varias empresas, entre ellas Repsol-YPF, planean iniciar perforaciones en 2009,

Cuba tries to keep rice on the table,

Desprotección al consumidor
Freddy Pérez Cabrera
Como cada domingo, Ángel se dispuso a realizar las compras de la semana en la Feria del Sandino, una opción preferida por la mayoría de los santaclareños, por encontrar allí productos básicos necesarios, expendidos a precios topados.,

Obstáculos para los cambios en Cuba
René Vázquez Díaz (Le Monde Diplomatique ),

Recibe Fidel a destacado dirigente del Partido Comunista de China,

Reto a prohibiciones anticubanas
La contienda electoral por la presidencia ha acelerado una pugna que se viene librando en Washington y Miami por las prohibiciones de viajes a Cuba. Esas controvertidas medidas tomadas por George W. Bush en el 2004, han devenido uno de los más importantes temas en el estado de Florida, donde el partido demócrata lo considera el reto principal en los comicios presidenciales de noviembre.,

Más restricciones para las agencias de viajes a Cuba a partir del 1ro de julio,

Texto de la Ley (en inglés),

Mission of U.S. broadcasts in Cuba is debated
Laura Wides-Munoz / Associated Press-MIAMI -- Two decades after Congress established the U.S. Office of Cuba Broadcasting, lawmakers and experts still can't seem to agree on the program's mission.Should its TV and Radio Marti networks send the communist island unbiased news about Cuba and the outside world? Or should their stories only support the U.S. government's policy toward Cuba, as they mostly do now?The dispute is part of a larger debate over the U.S. government's foreign broadcasts, but nowhere is it more noticeable than with the Martis.The taxpayer-funded Cuban broadcasts, which receive $34 million annually, belong to a network that includes the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Alhurra, among others.Most are run by veterans of top media outlets who are quick to defend their journalistic principles.Still, the Martis' congressional charter states the broadcasts must be operated "in a manner not inconsistent with the broad foreign policy of the United States." The other broadcasts have similar mandates.Jeff Trimble, executive director of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees the broadcasts, says the charter calls for promoting democracy, "through the journalistic mission. You have open information. ... It's not to do the short-term policy issues of any particular administration."But Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and Marti supporter, says the broadcasts should back the president's positions."It is not a 'Let's have all this diversity of thought,' " said Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban-American. "If we were to have a change in Cuba policy come November, you will see that reflected in the transmissions."The mission is clear: It's to advance our U.S.-Cuba policy."University of Southern California professor Nicholas Cull, author of a new book on the foreign broadcasts, believes they are essential, providing news commercial broadcasters might ignore for fear of offending advertisers.He said the tension has existed since VOA's creation in 1942."It's in the nature of a government to expect that if it's paying for a radio station, it will reflect its policy needs," Cull said."And it's in the nature of a journalist to demand editorial independence."

Cuba Disqualifies US Report at WTO
Geneva, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) Cuba again disqualified the US report before the World Trade Organization (WTO), because it repeats Washington's "lack of political will" and disrespect for legal obligations.The Cuban attaché before the United Nations and Geneva-based international agencies, Jorge Ferrer, strongly rejected the US report at the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). The Cuban delegate said the US report has an inalterable content that does not consider the DSB agreements in Section 211 of the US Appropriations Act.Under the umbrella of that law, the company Bacardi has misappropriated the world-famous Cuban brand Havana Club in a flagrant violation of world trade rules that Washington allows under the pretext of the economic blockade imposed on the Caribbean Island. The United States has banned sales of Cuban products on US territory due to the blockade, but it has also encouraged the commercialization of goods and services under the Havana brand, thus breaking the law, he explained.It also registers new brands under that label. "This year, for example, the US Patent and Trademark Office registered the brands HAVANA COLLECTION and OLD HAVANA, to New Jersey- and Nevada-based companies, respectively," Ferrer pointed out.In the same line, the European Communities, the plaintiff in this dispute, demanded that the United States immediately annul Section 211, when the issue was debated at the meeting.As on previous occasions, delegates from India, Brazil, China, Thailand, Venezuela and Vietnam expressed concern about Washington's incompliance with DSB recommendations and resolutions for over six years.Washington's stance undermines the credibility of dispute settlement bodies, especially their juridical principle of immediate compliance, and WTO Agreements, particularly those related to the Intellectual Property Right Agreement, they said.

Environment Multimedia Launched in Cuba
Havana, June 24 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA) launched a new multimedia about the island’s environmental reality.José Antonio Díaz Duque, Vice Minister of CITMA, explained the audiovisual, with 14 DVDs, deals with all environmental issues in every Cuban province plus a national summary. He also said, the format chosen- multimedia discs- makes its reproduction and access easier to national institutions like libraries, educational and research centres, and to government employees.The disc was made by specialists from all Cuban provinces, and has balanced styles diversity.“Cuban Environment” said Díaz Duque, has all the information compiled by CITMA provincial offices throughout the last years, and statistics on diverse human activity aspects.The work content is presented in text, tables, steady image, videos and maps.This compilation, commented the Vice Minister, is added to an important group of similar products addressed to diverse professional sectors like the media.It is an important contribution to the improvement of Cuban citizens cultural background, he finished.

U.S. exporters hope Cuba trade policy changes soon,

Cuban church protests support for gay rights
HAVANA (AP) — Cuba's Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday protested the communist government's growing support of gay rights, including a daylong event raising awareness against homophobia and a law allowing sex-change operations."Respect for the homosexual person, yes," said an editorial in Palabra Nueva, the monthly magazine of the Archdiocese of Havana. "Promotion of homosexuality, no."The editorial signed by magazine director Orlando Marquez referred to activities held May 17 by Cuba's Sex Education Center, which is directed by Mariela Castro, daughter of President Raul Castro.The center also announced this month that the health ministry has approved a law authorizing government-paid sex changes for 28 people who have undergone extensive study after requesting the surgery.Prejudice against homosexuals remains deeply rooted in Cuban society, as in much of Latin America. But the government has steadily moved away from the intolerance of the 1960s and 1970s, when homosexuals hid their sexuality for fear of being fired from work or even imprisoned.Cuba's parliament also is studying proposals to give gay couples the same benefits as married couples.

Cuba: Robustecer el árbol del socialismo sin dañar sus raíces
Cualquier análisis sobre el perfeccionamiento de nuestro sistema socialista debe partir de los logros acumulados, de la transformación profunda que se ha operado en los valores que atesoramos.
Rafael Emilio Cervantes Martínez,

El Crimen Organizado llamado "anticastrismo"
los balseros, una herramienta el "anticastrismo" utiliza a los balseros Cubanos para hacer dinero, ese asunto de los "pies secos" es político,la mafia de Miami actua de forma Político-Militar en territorio Mexicano...¡aguas!
Enrique Castillo González,

Vínculos de Cecilia Romero con anticastristas
Panista y militante de la ultraderecha, Cecilia Romero, titular del Instituto Nacional de Migración, de México, ha estado apoyando desde hace tiempo al anticastrismo
Edgar González Ruíz,

Registra Cuba vacuna terapéutica contra cáncer de pulmón,

The real face of Cuba
Break out of the all-inclusive box to meet ordinary Cubans,

The real Cuba lies beyond the resort,

Conocimiento Libre
La credibilidad de la enciclopedia bajo mínimos: Censuran y borran un artículo sobre el filósofo y escritor Santiago Alba Rico
El lobby que controla la Wikipedia en español pretende imponer su particular visión del mundo,