Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Acuerdan españoles realizar acciones por libertad de Los Cinco
(AIN) El comité estatal por la liberación de Los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos presos en los EE.UU. acordó acciones para reforzar el trabajo que se desarrolla en España por la excarcelación de estos patriotas cubanos.En una reunión celebrada en la ciudad española de Toledo participaron delegados de comunidades autónomas y provincias de ese país europeo, entre ellos José Antonio Barroso, alcalde de la ciudad de Puerto Real, publica hoy Granma que cita un despacho de Prensa Latina.Durante el encuentro, el Comité destacó la necesidad de difundir la realidad del caso, dentro de la opinión pública de los Estados Unidos, como eje principal de la labor por su liberación.Los participantes acordaron nuevas acciones para la campaña mundial por la libertad de los Cinco que comienza el 12 de septiembre. Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Ramón Labañino, René González y Gerardo Hernández, conocidos como Los Cinco por la campaña internacional para su excarcelación, cumplen en EE.UU. condenas severas por el único hecho de monitorear grupos terroristas anticubanos asentados en Miami.Esos patriotas alertaban a la Isla sobre los planes de esas agrupaciones, en cuyos expedientes de acciones criminales contra el pueblo cubano cuentan miles de muertos, heridos y mutilados, además de cuantiosos daños a la economía, como resultado de sabotajes, atentados y asesinatos realizados durante casi cinco décadas. Los Cinco fueron apresados en 1998 en la ciudad de Miami y sometidos a un amañado juicio en esa urbe dominada por la mafia anticubana, proceso judicial en el cual, a pesar de ser inocentes de los cargos que se les imputaban, fueron injustamente sancionados.

EU officially lifts sanctions against Cuba
Agence France-Presse
BRUSSELS -- EU nations on Monday definitively lifted their sanctions against Cuba, in the hope of encouraging democracy on the island in the post-Fidel Castro era.The measure was a largely symbolic political move as the European Union sanctions have been suspended since 2005.The political decision was taken by EU foreign ministers at a meeting last Thursday but the move received formal endorsement at a meeting of European agriculture ministers in Luxembourg.

Move to lift Cuba sanctions shows EU's 'independence': Spain
EUbusiness (press release), UK - The sanctions, which restricted high-level diplomatic contacts and offered symbolic support for political dissidents, were imposed in 2003 after Cuba jailed ...Castro says Cuba's ruling party has no internal struggle XinhuaFidel Castro denies split in Cuban government AFPEU defies Washington and ends Cuba sanctions Financial TimesEUbusiness (press release) - Xinhua and 2,155 news articles

UE levanta oficialmente sanciones diplomáticas contra Cuba
Pueblo en linea - ... de Agricultura y Pesca del bloque europeo, celebrada el mismo día, había decidido eliminar las sanciones diplomáticas contra Cuba, impuestas en 2003. ...Un error burocrático retrasó la aprobación del acuerdo sobre Cuba ABCUE aprobará mañana levantar las sanciones a Cuba tras nuevas ... Terra EspañaBrasil apuesta por unas relaciones normales entre Cuba y Europa CubamatinalUnión Radio - El Diario CoLatino y 1,061 artículos relacionados

Debaten filósofos cubanos y norteamericanos
Las presiones del gobierno de Bush no interrumpieron los encuentros de la XX Conferencia de Filósofos y Científicos Sociales de ambos países

Reflections by Comrade Fidel
I was surprised that not one of my friends, those news wire agencies, would publish one single word on Saturday about how highly UNESCO rated education in Cuba which, in spite of the actions of the United States, surpasses the levels attained by the rest of the countries in the region, as if that had nothing to do with respect for human rights. They were all insisting in describing the Reflection as a diatribe against Europe. XINJUA, a Chinese wire agency, did not interpret it that way. It transcribed the statements faithfully. I requested INTERNET services to analyze the noun “diatribe”. Answer: “Violent or abusive discourse or writing directed against a person or thing”. I then asked for a definition of “abusive”. Answer: “Action or language contrary to reason and justice”. Has it not been slanderous to repeat millions of times that there are torture and human rights violations in Cuba? We have never tortured anyone, nor have we taken the life of anyone by extra-judicial methods. If Europe is taking diplomatic measures against Cuba claiming to defend those rights, why are those same measures not taken against the United States for Bush’s genocide in Iraq and for the thousands of people arrested without a trial and tortured for years over there and in just about any other part of the world? It is odd that a Spanish press agency, no doubt diametrically and openly in opposition to Socialism, would mention that UNESCO has acknowledged the results of the educational system in Cuba, and included, verbatim, my statement: “No country where human rights are systematically violated can reach such high educational levels.” As I am writing this Reflection, at three in the afternoon, I am watching the televised soccer game between Spain and Italy. The score is zero-zero after one hour of play. The King of Spain is watching the challenge with satisfaction. It hasn’t finished yet. They are undoubtedly awesome teams. You have to admit that. I ask that the television be tuned in to see the baseball game between the Cuban Olympic team and a strong U.S. university team. Last night I watched the match between the Cuban and French Olympic boxing teams. The athletes representing France are excellent, just as the Cuban boxers. Our fans, well trained in sports matters, are impartial, respectful and objective. There was peace, anthems and hoisted flags, despite efforts by Europeans and Yankees to bribe and buy off Cuban athletes. I thank everyone mentioned above for supplying me with the material for this Reflection. Perhaps in the next few days I shall dedicate this time to other activities.
Fidel Castro Ruz - June 22, 2008.

El clima escolar influye más que el nivel económico en Latinoamérica
Cuba sobresale en una prueba de matemáticas y lectura hecha en 16 países http://www.elpais.com/articulo/educacion/clima/escolar/influye/nivel/economico/Latinoamerica/elpepuedu/20080623elpepiedu_6/Tes,

Nueva publicación cubana, visita de Chávez, UNICEF elogia a Cuba y mucho más

Algunas consideraciones sobre la Ética Marxista
Che, ética y comunismo
Luis R Delgado

Bombas alfombrarán el ciberespacio
El Pentágono ha decidido dotarse de una unidad especializada capaz de destruir sin previo aviso los sitios de Internet de sus adversarios, de acuerdo con el número de mayo de 2008, de la revista especializada Armed Forces Journal, del Ejército de los Estados Unidos. http://www.cubadebate.cu/index.php?tpl=design/especiales.tpl.html&newsid_obj_id=11873,

Business Trips To Cuba
This message is posted for U.S. companies and/or persons interested in conducting trade with Cuba.
We are a U.S. Trade & Export Consulting Firm specializing in conducting business and trade agreements with Cuba in strict accordance with all applicable laws.It is estimated that Cuba purchases up to $800 Million Dollars in food, annually from Cuba. Cuba also imports as much in medicine and medical equipment from U.S. manufacturers & distributors. Moreover, some U.S. Dept of Commerce reports indicate that as much as $1 Billion Dollars in remittance per year is sent to Cuba from U.S. residents. All purchases made by Cuba are made in CASH, and all funds must be received and verified prior to goods leaving the U.S. Port of Origin, in accordance with the law.These types of trade agreements are legal and bound by the "Helms-Burton Act" H.R. 927 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate).Our company facilitates trips to Cuba for those interested to meet with purchasing representatives of Alimport, Medicuba and others, in order to explore business opportunities and enter into trade agreements. We provide the proper introductions, coordinate one on one meeting's, and assist when necessary in negotiations and contract preparations.All inclusive accommodations made at 4 & 5 Star Hotels with airfare included. We process your travel permits and licenses and coordinate all aspects of your business trip.All flights are direct from Miami to Havana. All client information is maintained in strict confidence. We provide Confidentiality and Non-Circumvention & Non-Disclosure Agreements.For further inquiries please contact us:Sunny Exports & Trade Corp.2081 West 76th Street - Hialeah, Florida 33016

More Efficiency for the industry of the Cuban Lobster
Encouraged by the end of the season, lobster fishermen in Pinar del Rio are working to increase efficiency and quality in catch and industry, following a rigorous technological discipline. The crews of more than 60 fishing crafts remain in their fishing areas with the purpose to catch nearly 1,737 tons of lobster in the current season, according to Cuban News Agency.The ships were repaired in La Coloma shipyard, a southern port in Pinar del Rio (Cuba's westernmost province), and the work has been carried out with significant resource saving by the machine operators of the industrial complex, which is the home to the most modern, economical fish processing plant in Latin America.Japan and the European Union are the main destinations of products processed in La Coloma facility under strict quality, efficiency and hygiene standards.(PL)

Carta a Aporrea de un Cubano bajo una dictadura
Oscar Luis Gongora Fonseca - www.aporrea.org 23/06/08
Estimado Aporrea.
Te escribo desde Cuba en un rincón oscuro del planeta que favorece al terrorismo, te cuento que mientras redacto estas letras subversivas, escondido en el Bunker de mi casa, con mucho cuidado no vaya ser que la policía secreta me atrape, mi Cuba dictatorial amaneció hoy bajo el yugo de la opresión como siempre, imagínate que es tanto el daño psicológico a nuestro pueblo, que en las calles no hay ni un solo niño pidiendo limosna, pues este Gobierno despótico prohíbe mendigar, y aplica a todos una sanción elevadísima, la pena por esta falta, es que ¡obligan a los niños a estudiar¡ y escucha bien, mañana y tarde, con almuerzo o merienda garantizada, ¡qué bárbaros!, a todos les dan uniforme y eso no es todo, ¡es gratis¡ desde el circulo infantil hasta la ¡universidad¡, y salen con una cantidad de conocimientos, que se le ha otorgado por la UNESCO el primer lugar en Latinoamérica, en enseñanza primaria, ¿no crees que esto es suficiente para que nos bloqueen? ¡Claro!. Te advierto que no se te ocurra venir por aquí pues en las calles las personas están como locas, hacen deshacen a sus antojos, y no hay policías que le repriman, no hay ni un solo asalto, yo mismo me meto en callejones a altas horas de la noche ¿tú crees eso? Ni en un solo primero de mayo salen los carros bombas a despejar a los millones que salimos, a desfilar por nuestros derechos, que de paso te cuento que nos son violados, mira un ejemplo es que no solo se le da un año de maternidad con retribución a las madres antes y después del embarazo, no, no, ¡a los padres también!, y las vacaciones son obligatorias, y si te enfermas, te visitan al hospital o a la casa, claro para controlarte. Luego de trabajar muchos, muchos años, te jubilan y te pagan ¡como si estuviera trabajando!, y la Seguridad Social es exigente, no hay un solo ancianito que se libre de la misma, le han aumentado el sufrimiento, pagándoles más, ¿entiendes? Ah, tienen a unos muchachos que le llaman médicos del alma, que atienden a todos, desde un discapacitado, hasta una madre con un niño con problemas graves de enfermedad, esto sin contar que a la madre le pagan todo un salario, mira yo no sé pero me estoy volviendo loco. La medicina es gratis, si, gratis, y nada que se te mete el médico en la casa y te revisa de abajo a arriba, y te obligan a ir para el Hospital, a mi hermana la han operado cuatro veces, y ni un centavo hemos pagado, no crees que eso es para volverse loco, ¡claro que tienen que bloquearnos! Pero eso no es todo yo no pagué ni un centavo por mi educación y soy Abogado increíblemente esta dictadura se aprovecha de mí, y me pide que le sea fiel, ¡qué hipocresía! Y para colmo puedo seguir estudiando de gratis.Estimado amigo Aporrea, espero que te des cuenta que nos bloquean porque nos tienen subyugados de Derechos Elementales, atosigados de protección, nos enseñan una ideología del bien para el bien, y eso, amigo mío, esta mal, muy mal, por eso te pido que me ayudes y circule esta carta por el mundo y que conste que solo son pequeños ejemplos de lo que es capaz de hacer una “dictadura socialista” pues tendría que llenar miles de millones de metros de papel para demostrarte la cantidad de “atropellos” que cometen contra nosotros. Atentamente. Oscar Luis.

Cuban domestic production to be increased
Source: CCTV.com 06-24-2008 08:35
Cuban farmers are being told to increase rice production.The government wants to reduce its dependency on rice imports from Vietnam and elsewhere by half in the next five years. Cuba currently only grows a quarter of what it needs annually. Prices have soared from 500 to 1,200 US dollars a metric ton. The government is also trying to overhaul excessive bureaucracy. Last year, it spent 1.6 billion US dollars to import food. The government projects it will need to spend 2 billion US dollars this year to import the same amount.

Paying More, Getting Less: Just Where Do America's Health Care ...
Cuba..little so called Communist Cuba has a more successful system ,than the worlds richest country,when it comes to the delivery of universal healthcare. ...

Traditional Natural Medicine Congress Soon in Cuba
(acn) Scientists from 20 countries will be attending the 6th International Congress on Natural and Traditional Medicine and Bioenergetics, scheduled for July 9 to 12 in the eastern Cuban city of Holguin. Experts from the United States, Brazil, Spain, France, Switzerland, Japan, Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile and Colombia among other nations have confirmed their attendance, reports Ahora digital. A total of 64 papers will be given on different subjects, among them a lecture on Stress and Sophrology by Cuban Dr. Agustin Mulet, and a paper on Energetics and the Magic of Chiropraxis, by professors Omar Arriaza Klogo (Argentina) and Q. Hill Sisson (US).Several workshops on natural and traditional medicine and bioenergetics will take place with the participation of the local population. Brazilian Dr. Maria Celia Natividad de Castro will teach and train the public on respiratory exercises and energetic massages; while Costa Rican professor Edgard Ortiz will offer yoga sessions.

Cuba’s leaders have agenda ready for talks with next U.S. president http://www.muskogeephoenix.com/opinion/local_story_175162457.html,

The other food crisis
Few people are conscious of how the United States can use food as a political weapon. But is not this an act of terrorism?

Cubanos exiliados quieren crear un 'gran partido'
MADRID, jun. 23 (UPI) -- Un conjunto de organizaciones de cubanos exiliados estudian la posibilidad de crear un nuevo "gran partido" de oposición al Gobierno de Raúl Castro.Según informó el diario Las Américas, la idea fue planteada por cubanos residentes en España y en Estados Unidos y tiene el objetivo de prepararse para "estar presentes en la transición que se avecina" en la isla caribeña.En el artículo el presidente de la denominada Plataforma Cuba Democracia ¡Ya!, Rigoberto Carceller , sostuvo que "hay posibilidades de que todos los grupos conformen un gran partido". No obstante aclaró que la decisión "todavía ha quedado un poco en el aire" pero podría ser adoptada tras un periodo de estudio, dentro de mes y medio, cuando las organizaciones, que se dieron cita en Madrid, fijen un nuevo encuentro.Latam/Reporte

La explotación petrolera en Cuba puede relajar el embargo de EEUU http://www.elmanifiesto.com/articulos.asp?idarticulo=2425,

Académicos tienden puente entre Cuba y Estados Unidos
Escuchar los himnos de nuestros países, ver las banderas una al lado de la otra, tiene una gran significación histórica: quizás sea símbolo de que un día seremos buenos amigos, expresó Cliff DuRand, coordinador de la red de investigaciones de la Asociación de Filósofos Radicales de Estados Unidos, durante la apertura de la XX Conferencia de filósofos y científicos sociales cubanos y norteamericanos.

Cuba determined to perfect statist economy
By Marc Frank in Havana
At the recent metal workers’ union congress in Havana little seemed to have changed since Fidel Castro, former Cuban president, became ill almost two years ago, temporarily handing power to his brother Raúl before resigning and leaving the country’s leadership to him last February.There was no jockeying among cadres for a piece of privatised industry pie. There was no talk of competition, markets, strikes or other action against management, or turning state-owned businesses into co-operatives. Speeches calling on members to work harder for Cuba, Fidel, Raúl and revolution resounded through the hall as they have for decades. “The key is in perfeccionamiento empresarial” – perfecting the state company system – read the banner headline in Workers, the trade union federation’s weekly newspaper.The union meeting was the latest evidence that a debate fostered by Raúl Castro has for now been settled in favour of those who want to improve one of the world’s most statist economies – not dismantle it – using a business model developed when the president was defence minister to improve the performance of armed forces suppliers.Perfeccionamiento empresarial is based on adopting modern management and accounting practices, often gleaned from the study of private corporations, for state-run companies. It grants management more authority over day-to-day decisions and imposes more discipline on workers while also increasing their participation in decisions and incentives for labour. “Perfeccionamiento empresarial has no exact analogy in capitalist economies and is not borrowed from other socialist countries’ models of reform,” Phil Peters, an expert on Cuba at the Lexington Institute in Virginia, wrote in a study of the military’s economic model.Raúl Castro signed a 200-page law last August ordering all 3,000 state-run companies to adopt the model. He also promoted General Julio Casas Regueiro, who was in charge of the military’s businesses, to defence minister and top spots in the Communist party and government when he officially became president on February 24.The policy does not contradict Raúl Castro’s recent moves to lift restrictions on the use of mobile phones, computers and other goods and services, nor partnerships with foreign companies and more private initiatives. The bulk of the economy and its core industries and finances will remain in state hands.Raúl Castro is not waiting for all companies to adopt his model – a lengthy process of sorting out bad books, Soviet-style management and paternalism.Cuba’s economy is on a better footing than in the 1990s. Foreign exchange earnings are relatively strong due to the export of medical and other professional services – mainly to Venezuela – as well as tourism, high nickel prices and soft Chinese loans. But the state has had problems investing these revenues through its many companies, many of which suffer from poor accounting and management.“Perfeccionamiento does not aim to turn Cuba into a China or Taiwan in terms of level of development and integration into globalisation. In the end, the objective is political,” said Frank Mora, Cuba expert at the War College in Washington.“Raúl Castro needs to defuse the social, economic and political pressure of rising expectations and increasing food costs by implementing and broadening a set of very focused economic reforms.” Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

Reflexiones críticas sobre la coyuntura actual en Costa Rica
Libertad de prensa y libertad de expresión
Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera

A visit to the Elian Little Havana museum http://miamiherald.typepad.com/cuban_colada/2008/06/elian-little-ha.html,

La ley de Bush
La reconstrucción de la justicia de América
- Un escándalo de dimensiones políticas internacionales y de graves consecuencias para el gobierno de George W. Bush se produjo cuando Eric Lichtblau, periodista que obtuvo el prestigiado premio Pulitzer en el año 2006 por la publicación en el New York Times de sus reportajes que denunciaron las ilegales e inconstitucionales escuchas e interferencias telefónicas realizadas por la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional, la CIA y otras agencias desde el mes de octubre de 2001, por órdenes secretas y directas de la Administración Bush. Ahora, Lichtblau por medio de la editorial Pantheón ha publicado el libro “La Ley de Bush: La Reestructuración de Justicia de América”, obra en la que narra las peripecias que tuvo que pasar para que se le permitiera publicar sus trabajos en el New York Times primero y después para editar su libro que, el 4 de abril pasado, fue comentado con elevado acierto por el profesor de Derecho de la Universidad G. Washington, Jeffrey Rosen. http://www.insurgente.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=14024,

Gran hermanísimo
La ciencia al servicio del control social
- Una compañía de EEUU, ha diseñado un “maravilloso” sistema por el cual se medirá la actividad cerebral de ciertos sujetos (cobayas humanas) en la publicidad, campañas electorales, campañas mediáticas etc., asegurando que con este sistema biométrico se consigue mejorar notablemente los resultados de persuasión publica. http://www.insurgente.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=14039,