Tuesday, July 22, 2008

10 years in prison is 10 years too many!

Aumentan firmas en España por liberación de antiterroristas cubanos
Según promotores de la iniciativa, 600 funcionarios públicos españoles han firmado el manifiesto a favor de la libertad de los Cinco http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/internacionales/2008-07-21/aumentan-firmas-en-espana-por-liberacion-de-antiterroristas-cubanos/,

Spain for Cuban 5 Release

10 years in prison is 10 years too many!
Help us continue the Billboard Campaign! With the 10th anniversary of the imprisonment of the Cuban Five approaching on September 12, the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five will erect the huge (35' x 75') billboard shown above in downtown San Francisco during the month of August.

Llamado Internacional Un gesto por la vida y la justicia:
¡Libertad para los cinco antiterroristas cubanos!:
Antonio Guerrero (Miami,1958), Fernando González (La Habana, 1963), Gerardo Hernández (La Habana, 1965),Ramón Labañino (La Habana, 1963) yRené González (Chicago, 1956).

Cuba´s First Vice President Meets with FAO General Director
HAVANA, Cuba, Jul 21 (acn) Cuba’s First Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura met on Monday with the General Secretary of the UN Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) Jacques Diouf in Havana. During the meeting, Diouf, who is heading a FAO delegation to Havana, addressed issues related to the serious food crisis facing the world and the need to take urgent measures in order to face the lack of food in all continents. He said each country must come up with a response to the crisis. Diouf underscored the support given by Cuba to the FAO Special Food Security Program and sent his cordial greetings to Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro. Meanwhile, the Cuban First Vice President thanked the FAO General Secretary for the support given by his organization to Cuba and he stressed bilateral relations between Cuba and the Food and Agriculture Organization.Machado Ventura, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of Cuba’s Communist Party Central Committee, reiterated the Cuban people’s support of South-South cooperation initiatives put into practice in the context of the FAO and he stressed his country’s will to keep contributing to the reform process of the UN organization.The meeting was also attended by FAO officials Juan Izquierdo and Marcio Porto; the member of the Secretariat of Cuba´s Communist Party Central Committee Fernando Remirez de Estenoz; Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation minister Martha Lomas; Cuban ambassador at the FAO Enrique Moret, among other personalities. Prior to the meeting, Jacques Diouf gave a key lecture at the Aula Magna of the University of Havana and held talks with Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque.

FAO: biocombustibles privaron al mundo de unos 100 millones de t de cerealesLa producción de biocombustibles despojó al mundo de casi 100 millones de toneladas de cereales como maíz y trigo, que podrían haberse destinado a la alimentación, denunció este lunes en La Habana el director general de la FAO, el senegalés Jacques Diouf. http://cl.invertia.com/noticias/noticia.aspx?idNoticia=200807211831_AFP_183100-TX-AIF20&idtel=,

Aumentaron en más de 50 millones los hambrientos en el mundo http://granma.co.cu/2008/07/21/nacional/artic13.html,

Director de la FAO imparte conferencia magistral en la Universidad de La Habana
Jacques Diouf alerta que cien millones de toneladas de cereales se han sustraído del mercado alimentario para convertirlos en recursos energéticos

Más de un millón de trabajadores participaron este domingo en la Jornada Nacional de Trabajo Voluntario, en saludo al Aniversario 55 del Asalto a los cuarteles Moncada y Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.
Los esfuerzos se dirigieron a la producción de alimentos en varias industrias del país y en las actividades agrícolas y limpieza de los campos de caña.Afiliados de diferentes sindicatos apoyaron la ejecución de viviendas, las obras de la batalla de ideas, los programas hidráulicos, las producciones de piezas de repuesto y de materiales para las inversiones constructivas.Además se laboró en la limpieza, higienización y embellecimiento de los colectivos laborales, reportó el periodista Orestes Eugellés.Salvador Valdés Mesa, secretario general de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC), informó que la movilización fue una respuesta al llamado del General de Ejército Raúl Castro y el cumplimiento de uno de los acuerdos del Congreso Obrero 19 de revitalizar el trabajo voluntario.Valdés Mesa calificó de valiosa la respuesta a la convocatoria a la Jornada Dominical, de rotunda muestra de respaldo a la Revolución, a Fidel y a Raúl.El máximo dirigente de la CTC participó, con los integrantes del secretariado nacional de la central obrera, en el envase de medicamentos en el Laboratorio Farmacéutico Roberto Escudero Díaz.También estuvo en el organopónico de la Empresa Agrícola Manuel Martínez Prieto, de Marianao, junto a Ulises Rosales del Toro, Ministro del Azúcar, y Miguel Toledo Wilson, Secretario general del sindicato nacional del sector. (AIN)

Esta Tropa de Futuro está y estará siempre con Fidel y con Raúl
Palabras de Carlos Valenciaga, miembro del Consejo de Estado de la República de Cuba, en la segunda graduación de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI), que tuvo lugar el 19 de julio de 2008

Cuba, Amigos de nubes bajas
Aleida Godínez Soler

Funding for free Cuba is frozen
Money destined for Cuba democracy programs has been frozen following charges of massive fraud.

BBC: Interview with Professor Jaime Suchlicki

More Reforms From Raul Castro?
Is Raul Castro preparing the ground for more substantive, pro-market economic reforms in Cuba?

¿Centralización o descentralización?
Guillermo de la Cuesta
En el ámbito de los negocios, hay que ser muy cautelosos, pues a veces, solo queremos atravesar la ruta que nos viene bien para el momento en que nos encontramos http://www.opciones.cu/leer.asp?idnuevo=3410,

CUBAN Conference: The Measure of a Revolution
The Measure of a Revolution: Cuba, 1959-2009

Bien vale la pena hacer camino al andar Raúl Castro ha abierto una esperanza de cambios por el futuro, es la que tenemos y no podemos desaprovecharla
Félix Sautié

Cooperativa, cooperativismo y autogestión socialista
Tres conceptos claves de la economía política del socialismo.
Pedro Campos

Inician seminario sobre estrategia tricontinental de los pueblos
Los participantes en el evento que culmina el 30 de julio, debatirán sobre el ALBA, la resistencia de los pueblos africanos y la Revolución Cubana http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/internacionales/2008-07-21/inician-seminario-sobre-estrategia-tricontinental-de-los-pueblos/,

Interview to Noam Chomsky by Vincent Navarro
For the Progressive Summer University of Catalonia (UPEC).Interviewed by Vincent Navarro. at M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 13, 2008. Vincent Navarro is Professor of Public Policy at the Pompeu Fabra University, and The Johns Hopkins University.

Entrevista al lingüista Noam Chomsky
El parecido entre las técnicas de la clase empresarial estadounidense y el fascismo es muy sorprendente

Problems May Affect Upcoming US Elections
Washington, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) Officials and experts in the US elections have predicted problems during the upcoming presidential elections, due to some changes in the electoral register and technology.According to The New York Times, "with millions of new voters heading to the polls this November and many states introducing new voting technologies, election officials and voting monitors say they fear the combination is likely to create long lines, stressed-out poll workers and late tallies on Election Day."In addition, with Senator Barack Obama's candidacy expected to attract many people who have never encountered a voting machine, voting experts and election officials say they are worried that the system may buckle under the increased strain, the newspaper added."Election officials are unanimous in their commitment to ensuring every eligible American's right to vote, but in many places the system they oversee simply isn't designed to handle anywhere near the number of voters that may turn out," said Doug Chapin, director of electionline.org.In several states, many are trying to ease the strain of Election Day by encouraging voters to cast their ballots early, said The New York Times.In areas like New Jersey, New York and California, authorities are having trouble to hire poll workers, as they lack funds to pay them, so they have resorted to recruiting high school students, the newspaper added."Allocating enough ballots and machines is a tricky science under any circumstances, but especially when turnout is proving to be so unpredictable," said Tova A. Wang, vice president for research at Common Cause, a voting rights advocacy group, who was quoted by the publication.All these factors must cause the vote-counting process to take longer, agreed the experts, who said the success of the November elections would depend on the number and quality of poll workers, as well as officials' capacity to prevent the unexpected.

Horizonte de fraude“Vislumbran problemas” en próximas elecciones de EEUU
El sistema electoral no permite que gane un “níger”
Influx of Voters Expected to Test New Technology http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/21/us/21voting.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin,http://electiononline.org/,http://www.american.edu/ia/cdem/usp/hava_papers/Chapin_AU_HAVA.pdf,

Reality Check The Democrats are the Real Problem

Los demócratas no han hecho nada para parar la guerra y no harán nada para parar la guerra.Comprobando la realidad