Friday, July 25, 2008

Hard Task to Spread Truth of the Cuban Five

Hard Task to Spread Truth of the Cuban Five, says Mother of One

HAVANA, Cuba , July 24 (acn)

“To knock down the US mass media’s wall ofsilence surrounding the case of the Cuban Five is a difficult task,”said the mother of one of the prisoners during a visit to eastern Cubanprovinces, where she will attend Rebellion Day activities. “There is remarkable growth in the solidarity with the Five,” said MirtaRodriguez, the mother of Antonio Guerrero; her son is incarcerated inthe United States for fighting terrorism. “This is the direct result ofthe efforts made by solidarity committees all over the world,” sheadded. Rodriguez noted that the defense lawyers are working diligently on theappeal process to overcome the unfair sentences imposed against theCuban fighters. Accompanying Rodriguez on the trip are Magaly Llort, mother of fellowprisoner Fernando; Candido and Roberto Gonzalez, father and brother ofRene; and Olga Salanueva and Ivette Gonzalez, Rene’s wife and daughter.Also among the group are Elizabeth Palmeiro, Ramón’s wife; his daughtersLaura and Lisbet; as well as Gerardo’s wife and niece, Adriana Perez and Aylen Perez.

Latino Congress Demands Freedom for Cuban Five,

July 26: National Rebelliousness Day in Cuba,,

26 de julio. Victoria de las Ideas
Santiago de Cuba se empina por su historia,

From Havana
-Reforms or structural changes?
By Manuel Alberto Ramy,

Reflexiones del compañero Fidel:

A Cuba no le hace falta la OEA, pero a la OEA si le hace falta Cuba
Roy Chaderton Matos 2008-07-24
Intervención del Representante Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Embajador Roy Chaderton Matos, ante el Consejo Permanente de la Organización de los Estados Americanos,

Asoma el Carril Dos
-Manuel E Yepe
A mi juicio, la revolución cubana está en el deber y la necesidad de abrir espacio a todo propósito individual o colectivo que converja hacia el objetivo de garantizar la independencia, afirmar la identidad nacional y alcanzar la más amplia justicia social. Tales son las aspiraciones por los que han luchado los revolucionarios cubanos desde la sexta década del siglo XIX.,

Venezuela and Cuba : Parrot diplomacy,

Medical mission of Cuban-exile doctors spans globe
When the contra war was still a state secret, a rebel commander and four of his men decided to test newly arrived ammunition at a guerrilla base near the border with Nicaragua.,

Cartas a la dirección,,

¿Cuál sería el reto en el siglo XXI cubano? Ante todo, hacer sostenible el proceso; creando un status quo de bienestar para los cubanos.
Roberto E. Segura Messeguer,

Cuba siempre ha estado en las fauces del león que quiere engullirlo
"Espiritualmente llenó espacios que estaban vacíos. La Revolución Cubana ha sido hacedora de sueños y de realidades, y los sueños tienen como característica que son inextinguibles"
Gloria Analco* (Grupo Cuba Coraje),

Export-to-Cuba Conference Aug. 15 in San Antonio,

El que enseña, aprende
Por: Luis Sexto,

Alfredo Guevara: Yo me siento un creador
Raúl Garcés
Entrevista a ALFREDO GUEVARA en el programa televisivo PRIVADAMENTE PÚBLICO trasmitido por el Canal Educativo 2-el martes 22 de julio de 2008,

Hunger is S. Florida's dirty little secret,