Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Adriana y Gerardo

Olga Salanueva y Adriana Pérez solicitarán visas hoy en la Sección de Intereses de Estados Unidos en La Habana
Las esposas de René González y Gerardo Hernández, respectivamente, sostendrán hoy una entrevista para solicitar permiso de viajePor: Jorge Luis González - jrebelde.Olga Salanueva y Adriana Pérez, esposas de René González y Gerardo Hernández, respectivamente, sostendrán hoy en la Sección de Intereses de Estados Unidos en La Habana su entrevista para solicitar permiso para visitar a sus compañeros, a quienes no ven desde hace casi diez años, informó este martes Graciela Ramírez, coordinadora del Comité Internacional por la Liberación de los Cinco. Durante una conferencia que tuvo lugar en el Centro de Prensa Internacional de la capital, la activista recordó que el gobierno norteamericano ha entorpecido y violado de manera constante los derechos de sus familiares a visitarlos, especialmente los de Olga y Adriana, a quienes sin basamento legal alguno se les ha impedido ocho veces consecutivas visitar a sus esposos.Según la legislación norteamericana, Ramón, René, Gerardo, Antonio y Fernando tienen derecho a ser visitados por sus familiares una vez al mes. Sin embargo, esto no ha sido cumplido en ninguno de los casos.Estas familias pasan mucho tiempo esperando que el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos responda sus solicitudes de visa. Elizabeth Palmeiro, la esposa de Ramón Labañino, espera desde hace 26 meses su permiso para visitar a su compañero. Magalys Llort e Irma Sehweret, madres de Fernando y René, respectivamente, esperan desde hace 16 meses para ver a sus hijos, dijo Ramírez.También recordó que el pasado 20 de abril, el encuentro de Mirtha Rodríguez con su hijo Antonio fue abruptamente interrumpido cuando declararon la cárcel en lock down (encierro) por un hecho de indisciplina.

Verano grande para los pequeños prepara la Organización de Pioneros José Martí
En sugerente fiesta nacional para los niños y sus familias se convertirá el próximo domingo. El centro de la celebración estará en los municipios y en la fortaleza de La Cabaña. Festejan boda de Adriana y Gerardo,

Cuban Union Leaders Discuss New Social Security Law
HAVANA, Cuba, July 15 (acn) The process of popular discussions of the modification project of the Cuban Social Security Law started with a national seminar of the Cuban Workers Confederation (CTC).This new law is a great challenge for the Revolution and Socialism, affirmed Alfredo Morales Cartaya, Minister of Work and Social Security, in his speech this Monday to CTC top representatives from all over the country. Cartaya referred to the necessity of preparing and qualifying everybody in charge of presiding over the meetings in every work place, who will be joined by MPs, retirees, Ministry of Work officials and Communist Party members.By discussing this draft, the social security process is improved with the adding of new elements, adapted to the current socio-economic situation the Caribbean country is going through at the moment.Among the new proposals is the possibility for retirees to go back to their former positions and earn full salaries on top of their retirement pension. Also the retirement age will progressively increase to 65 years for men and 60 for women, in a process that will take 7 years to be fully implemented. The Council of State has already approved this measure for education retirees.

Cuba Foresees Great Developments in Telecommunications.
SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba, July 15 (acn) Cuba is developing a strategy to increase phone and data management services, the introduction of terrestrial digital television and raising the stability and invulnerability of telecommunications. Jorge Luis Perdomo, Cuban vice-minister of Informatics and Communications, stated that the country is creating the infrastructure support, considering the goals they have set, with the cooperation of foreign partners, like China and the ALBA countries.The sector forecasts for the next few years were revealed by Perdomo at the International Convention of the Electrical Engineering Faculty (FIE 2008) of Oriente University, underway in this city.Regarding access technologies, the official announced that the cordless and cellular phone services will be extended, among other measures for the benefit of the people.He specified that they are running some tests on digital phone services at the moment to determine which is most convenient to take under the conditions in the island. He also insisted on the need to achieve stronger ties between universities, research centers, and the polytechnics; to encourage an innovative way of thinking and the integration between production and services.

Consumo de electricidad y subvención estatal
Multiplique por 22
Las familias cubanas no han sufrido la subida de los precios del petróleo a la hora de pagar su factura eléctrica,

(Cor) Cuba: Text of Raul Castro's 11 July National Assembly Speech
Text of report by government-operated, national Cuban Cubavision TV on 11 July [Corrected version: filling words indistinct, correcting minor errors throughout. Full text of a speech given by Cuban President Raul Castro at the close of the first ordinary period of sessions of the seventh legislature of the National Assembly of the People's Government at the Havana Convention Centre on 11 July - recorded],

Confesiones de uno de los 31 mil agrónomos
Por: José Alejandro Rodríguez
El ingeniero agrónomo Armando P. Menéndez Riverón, profesor de la Sede Universitaria Municipal (SUM) de Camagüey, se tomó muy en serio, y con sumo compromiso, el reciente discurso en la Asamblea Nacional del General de Ejército Raúl Castro, presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros.,

Boulder company faces charges for trading with Cuba,

Reciben sus diplomas 20399 nuevos licenciados en Educación,

Aumentará Cuba sus capacidades de refinación de petróleo
La ampliación de instalaciones en Cienfuegos y Santiago de Cuba permitirá encarar incrementos en la extracción de crudo y crear polos petroquímicos,

[VIDEO] Entrevista con un ex agente de la seguridad cubana Orrio fue uno de los agentes de la seguridad cubana infiltrado 11 años en los grupos contrarrevolucionarios. Orrio es entrevistado por Piotr Ikonowicz, líder de la Nueva Izquierda polaca.,

Salvador en la memoria
Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada,

¿Por qué derribó Cuba dos aviones norteamericanos de Hermanos al Rescate?,,

Cuban Residents in Centro America Meet in Nicaragua
(acn) Cubans living in Centro America willhold their second meeting in Nicaragua next September 25-27, informedRafael Ruiz, the president of the organizing committee.Cuban Residents in Nicaragua Association (ARC for its Spanishacronym) called for the meeting under the slogan ¨Against theTerrorism. Against the Blockade. Because a better world is possible¨At this event the debates will focus on how to mobilize themselves todefend their homeland and for the freedom of the five Cubanantiterrorist imprisoned in the United States for fighting terrorism,reports the Cuban Foreign Affairs Ministry website. It also adds thatthe participants will relate their experiences and will encourageother Cubans abroad to create similar organizations.The notification rejects the blockade imposed upon Cuba by the USgovernment, which it describes as the main tool of the hostile andaggressive policy of Washington towards Cuba . It also denounces thefalseness of the so called antiterrorism war of the George BushAdministration, while it protects well known criminals such as LuisPosada Carriles.The meeting will reaffirm the participants' commitment to defendtheir national identity.

With Crises in Fuel, Food, Housing and Banking, What Gvt. Policies Are Being Pushed Through?
Naomi Klein Reexamines “The Shock Doctrine”,

Cuban Conference on Marx and the Challenges of the XXI century
Many of the papers presented at the Cuban 4th International Conference: Karl Marx and the Challenges of the XXI century Are available here in PDF format here:,
Most are in Spanish but a few in English, like this one:Is China's Market Path a Road to Socialism?Al Campbell, University of Utah, USAMehmet Ufuk Tutan, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey,