Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Solidarity with Cuban Five’s Wives Intensifies

HAVANA, Cuba, July 14 (ain) The international movement in solidarity with the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters incarcerated in the United States has intensified its campaign to obtain visas for the wives of two of the imprisoned men.
On September 12, 2007, the US State Department denied visas for the eighth time to Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez, the wives of Rene Gonzalez and Gerardo Hernandez, respectively, to visit their husbands, who have been unfairly held in jail for nearly ten years.
The coordinator of the International Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Graciela Ramirez, told GRANMA that the latest campaign was launched under the slogan "We want to visit our husbands held in US prisons.”
"One of the most important actions taken was a letter, signed by 13 mayors from California, which we have sent to the US State Department, because there is where the decisions are made on whether Olga and Adriana can travel to visit their husbands for humanitarian reasons," said Ramirez.
More and more people continue to join the International Commission for the right to family visits, and some 100,000 postcards and 30,000 posters on the Five have been distributed across 15 US states.
"Thanks to the international solidarity of workers and Antonio Ares, secretary of the Graficas trade union CGT-Madrid, we have an additional 60,000 postcards and 20,000 posters —in Spanish and English— for the campaign," said Graciela.

Libertad para los cinco!!!
de los ciudadanos del mundo ¿Hay de veras una guerra contra el terrorismo? Pues, si la hay, ¿cómo puede llevarse a cabo encarcelando a los que luchan por detenerlo?
Solrak de Rincon Cubano gramma

Socialism signifies social justice and equality, but equality is not egalitarianism
• Speech given by General of the Army Raúl Castro Ruz, president of the Councils of State and Ministers, during the conclusion of the First Ordinary Session of the 7th Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (part1) http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2008/julio/lun14/29naraul-i.html,

Raul Castro's speech closing the National Assembly http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CubaNews/message/88031;_ylc=X3oDMTJyNmVyZHNvBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIxODIwMjIEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYzOTg1BG1zZ0lkAzg4MDMxBHNlYwNkbXNnBHNsawN2bXNnBHN0aW1lAzEyMTYwNjY0NzA-,

Responden mujeres cubanas al llamado de Raúl http://granma.co.cu/2008/07/15/nacional/artic03.html,

Anteproyecto de Ley de Seguridad Social
Consulta con los trabajadores a partir del 1ro. de septiembre

Reflections by Comrade Fidel

Reflexiones del compañero Fidel:

PETROCARIBE must become a shield against crisis and hunger http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2008/julio/lun14/petrocaribe.html,

Petrocaribe: un nuevo esquema de unidad y soberanía energética
Por: Eleazar Mujica Sánchez

Cubans are happily adjusting to change under Raúl Castro http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/world/stories/071508dnintcuba.4466da3.html,

Inauguran Seminario por Aniversario 50 de la Revolución http://granma.co.cu/2008/07/15/nacional/artic02.html,

Crece rechazo en Miami a medidas anticubanas http://granma.co.cu/2008/07/15/interna/artic06.html,

Report: problems with Radio/TV Marti contracts
The Associated Press-MIAMI - Congress' investigative arm has found irregularities in the contracting practices of the U.S. government's Office of Cuba Broadcasting.The Government Accountability Office's report to be released Tuesday is part of a broader investigation into the U.S. government's efforts to beam news and other programming into Cuba. The U.S. has sought to provide alternative news and information to the communist island since the 1980s, and its efforts have long been controversial.The report raises concerns about no-bid contracts given to a local station to air the Radio and TV Marti broadcasts months after Fidel Castro became ill in the summer of 2006. The GAO is also investigating allegations of political bias and management practices

Cuba: su medicina de vanguardia y la reivindicación de Alfred Nobel
Cuando los emblemas pueden ennoblecerse
Roberto Cobas Avivar y Norton Contreras Robledo

Santiago de Cuba está inmersa en una transformación en todos los órdenes http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2008-07-15/santiago-de-cuba-esta-inmersa-en-una-transformacion-en-todos-los-ordenes/,

El periodismo en su lugar
Por: Hugo Rius

Visión sobre el periodismo en la Cuba de estos tiempos
A los periodistas, como a los escritores, les toca crear, que es lo mismo, hoy y mañana, que pelear, vencer y salvar
Wilkie Delgado Correa

El periodismo en Cuba En general solo se propicia y difunde el concepto de una única fórmula de construir el socialismo centralizadamente
Félix Sautié

Ediciones Unión entrega un nuevo libro: Delirio de periodista

Y, ¿después de Ingrid?
Por: Marina Menéndez Quintero

It is our primary in the imperialist center to educate and organize others so asto oppose imperialist interventions. How well we do this job determines howseriously we can be considered as as anti-imperialists and as revolutionaries.Would anyone on this list dispute that?
Petras clearly would. He has has other priorities. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CubaNews/message/88037;_ylc=X3oDMTJycmwyNDM0BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIxODIwMjIEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYzOTg1BG1zZ0lkAzg4MDM3BHNlYwNkbXNnBHNsawN2bXNnBHN0aW1lAzEyMTYwNjY0NzA-,

La necesaria, la imprescindible conducción revolucionaria de Fidel y Chavez El Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro hablaba de los SUPERREVOLUCIONARIOS con toda la razón y la verdad. Decía : "¿Qué ocurre con los superrevolucionarios de la llamada extrema izquierda?
Raúl Guerra

Despetrificar a Petras
José Mercader

Perú, México y Colombia son pilares de los EEUU para el sometimiento de América Latina
Pedro Echeverría V.

Extradition Demand Against Cuban Terrorist Continues
HAVANA , Cuba, July 14 (acn) Panamanian judicial authorities arecontinuing the process of an extradition demand against Luis PosadaCarriles and three other terrorists of Cuban origin, according to reportspublished in Panama this Monday.The extradition request was introduced in the Fifth Penal Court July 4thby a group of lawyers that represent several indigenous organizations,worker unions and student groups in Panama. Hilda Bonilla de Vidal, judge of this court, especially assigned to thecase, submitted the request to the First District Attorney Office ofPanama , reported PL citing the newspaper La Prensa. Official sources reported that the judge is seeking the Public Ministryto make a pronouncement on the case and to proceed on the extraditionrequest. Five days before, the Supreme Court declared the pardons, granted bythen-acting president Mirella Moscoso on August 25th 2004,unconstitutional.The court established that the ruling, unanimously adopted, has aretroactive character, so the cases that benefited from a presidentialpardon must return to their previous state. Posada Carriles, Gaspar Jiménez, Guillermo Novo and Pedro Remón werearrested in Panama in November 2000, during the 10th Ibero-AmericanSummit, when they planned to assassinate the Cuban Leader Fidel Castro ata public meeting.In 2002, Judge Justiniani sentenced Posada Carriles and Jiménez to eightyears in jail for making an attempt against the collective security andthe forging of documents and the other two people involved to seven yearsfor the first crime.