Monday, August 4, 2008

birthday greetings to René and Fernando

Send a birthday greeting to: René González and Fernando González!
You can write to them directly at the prison,(address below) and also transmit a greeting toour email address below. We will then mail René and Fernando your greeting which you send us.

René González was born August 13, 1956. His address is: René González, #58738-004 F.C.I. Marianna P.O. Box 7007 Marianna, FL 32447-7007

Fernando González was born August 18, 1963. He is registered in prison as Rubén Campa, so you have to address the envelope as: Rubén Campa, #58733-004 F.C.I. Terre Haute P.O. Box 33 Terre Haute, IN 47808

Then inside the cards and letters, you can write to him as Fernando.
email: web:

Las nuevas mafias del exilio cubano
La detención de dos contrabandistas en Miami confirma la realidad del secuestro, la extorsión y el asesinato en el tráfico de personas,

La Tierra necesita su Moncada
-Celia Hart,

¿Qué socialismo queremos?(II parte)
Algunas opiniones personales sobre los pasos que a mi juicio se deben dar para abrir el camino a la construcción de un nuevo tipo de socialismo en Cuba
-Alejandro Segura,

Universalidad de la Revolución Cubana
"Como el futuro puede ser imaginado por indiscernible, sólo se progresa regresando una y otra vez al pasado".
-José Steinsleger de La Jornada de México,

Honduras Cabinet Agrees to Enter ALBA
-Tegucigalpa, Aug 3 (Prensa Latina) Honduras' Council of Ministers favors President Manuel Zelaya' choice to join the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, says La Prensa daily.Zelaya called ALBA, an initiative of Cuba and Venezuela to counter the US-led Free Trade Area for the Americas to impose its hegemony, a means to meet domestic historic problems. At a cabinet meeting, the ministers agreed to cut from August 4 super gas gallon by $0.012 cents, diesel ($0.04) and wheat flour ($0.07).Industry and Trade Minister Fredy Cerrato announced for September further flour discounts.

Antropología latinoamericana y transnacionalización neoliberal
-Gilberto López y Rivas,