Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cuban Five Send Birthday Messages to Fidel

HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 13 (acn) The Cuban anti-terrorism fighters unjustlyimprisoned in the US sent happy birthday messages to Cuban leader FidelCastro on his 82nd anniversary. The letters were published by the Granmaand Juventud Rebelde newspapers. Rene Gonzalez, one of the five Cuban men in jail since 1998, said thebest of humanity celebrates the Cuban leader’s birthday with thepresence of his legendary willpower and his faith in human intelligenceat the service of the noblest ideals of solidarity and justice. Rene, whose birthday is also this August 13, added that Fidel has becomethe father and grandfather of generations of people who have fought byhis side and share his ideals. In addition, Fernando Gonzalez highlighted that while the Revolution isgrowing stronger with Fidel as its historical leader, every passing dayis a defeat for those who seek to overthrow the process. Fernando noted that while Cuba’s enemies eat themselves up with hatredwith each defeat, Fidel Castro’s reflections are featured in the pressall over the world, as well as his pictures with distinguishedpersonalities. “…Revolutionaries rejoice on the day of your birthday wishing youmanyhappy returns of the day,” wrote Fernando. On his part, Antonio Guerrero also talked about Fidel’s reflections,which shed light for him and make him stronger. Likewise, Gerardo Hernandez sent a happy birthday caricature to theCuban leader with the title: “Different Weapons, Same Fight.” Thedrawing shows an arm coming out from between mountains holding a penlike a rifle that rises up as a symbol of determination near a royalpalm tree, which is Cuba’s national tree.

80 Preguntas y respuestas sobre el anteproyecto de nueva Ley de Seguridad Social (67-77),

Letter to Fidel from Cuba’s workers,

Brutal agresión contra médicos cubanos en Bolivia

Cuban doctors attacked in Bolivia
LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) - A human rights coordinator says a group opposed to President Evo Morales has attacked Cuban doctors and a teacher and forcibly removed them from their town in eastern Bolivia.Leonardo Tamborini says the attackers showed up at the Cubans' home in Santa Cruz state, a stronghold of Morales opposition. They insulted the Cubans, took their cell phones and forcibly drove them out of town. The doctors and teacher had yet to return Tuesday.Tamborini called on Tuesday for the prosecution of those responsible.The abduction occurred during Sunday's national recall vote on Morales and state governors. The opposition objects to Morales' alliances with leftist Venezuela and Cuba.Sunday's vote strongly reaffirmed Morales' national support.

La violencia de género en la construcción social de la feminidad a partir del discurso de cantantes cubanos de timba y reguetón

FRANK CALZON: El senador Specter ya no va a La Habana
Raúl Castro está tan ocupado que no tiene tiempo para reunirse con el senador Arlen Specter, republicano de Pensilvania, quien iba a viajar a la isla a entrevistarse con Raúl Castro y quizás con su hermano Fidel. El senador ha cancelado la visita.,

U.S.-CUBAA chance for normal relations,

América Latina: Los cambios estructurales (I)
-Por Jorge Gómez Barata,

Victoria de Lugo es parte de un proceso que vive Latinoamérica, dice Galeano,-dice-Galeano,

Panamá en espera de solicitud de extradición de Posada
El vicepresidente y canciller de Panamá, Samuel Lewis Navarro, aseguró en entrevista este lunes que tan pronto sea recibida la solicitud de la Fiscalía se iniciarán los trámites para extraditar al terrorista internacional Luis Posada Carriles, reporta Crítica, el diario istmeño de mayor circulación.El Órgano Judicial no ha solicitado la extradición de Posada, indicó Lewis Navarro a la emisora RPC Radio, al reiterar que la cancillería debe recibir esta solicitud a fin de emprender los procedimientos para el regreso del asesino a Panamá.Sin embrago, Lewis Navarro garantizó que una vez se haga este trámite, se reclamará la extradición del terrorista y de sus cómplices, quienes fueron indultados por la ex mandataria mafiosa Mireya Moscoso, en agosto del 2004.Hace algunos meses, la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Panamá dejó sin efecto esos indultos, recuerda Crítica."Él debe regresar a Panamá a cumplir su pena de prisión, luego de poner en peligro la vida de muchas personas, al tratar de atentar contra la vida del ex presidente de Cuba, Fidel Castro, durante su visita a la cumbre latinoamericana del año 2000", subraya el rotativo. Según observadores, la mafia de Miami dispone de una red cuyos representantes intentarán inmiscuirse en el proceso legal. Rogelio Cruz, el narcoabogado de Posada Carriles en Panamá, afirmó hace poco a la prensa local que andar con 30 kilos de C4 para volar un anfiteatro no es un crimen, sino un "delito de tinte político". (JGA)

Las 1.000 noticias jamás publicadas,