Tuesday, August 26, 2008

US Lawyer will Tell Chileans the Truth of the Cuban Five

US Lawyer will Tell Chileans the Truth of the Cuban Five Case
HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 25 (can) US lawyer Leonard Weinglass, one of the defense attorneys for the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters held in US jails, will visit Chile next week to tell the Chilean people about the truth of the case. Solidarity-with- Cuba organizations and the Human Rights Study Center at the Univesidad Central de Chile announced that Weinglass will meet with local jurists and authorities to explain about the current conditions of Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Fernando Gonzalez, Ramón Labañino and Antonio Guerrero, known as the Cuban Five.The prestiged US lawyer is also scheduled to meet with members of the Chilean branch of the Latin American Jurists Association and with solidarity organizations. Weinglass, whose visit take places in the context of the 10 years of imprisonment of the Cuban Five, will also give lectures in two Chilean universities in the capital Santiago.

Reflections by comrade Fidel

El ALBA fue una inspiración, luego un proyecto, hoy es una esperanza
Discurso del vicepresidente del Consejo de Estado, Carlos Lage Dávila, con motivo de la adhesión de Honduras al ALBA

Estamos armados con las ideas de la libertad
Expresó José Manuel Zelaya, presidente de la República de Honduras, durante la ceremonia de adhesión de esa nación al ALBA http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2008/08/26/interna/artic07.html,

Cuban Workers Readying to Discuss Social Security Bill
HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 25 (acn) Grassroots union leaders appointed to chair debates on a social security bill recently introduced by the Cuban government complete a seminar this week that will help them guide the workers' discussion of the document. In an interview with Trabajadores newspaper, Elio Valerino, of the Cuban Workers Confederation said until Friday, 70 percent of the union worker leaders had completed the seminar. He said parliamentarians and Cuban Communist Party and local government officials have also received the training. Valerino explained that all statements made in the discussions will be processed in order to improve the bill. More than three million workers in Cuba are expected to participate in the analysis of the draft resolution. A gradual aging of the Cuban population has led the government to introduce changes in social security that include extending the retirement age for both men and women. Anteproyecto de Ley de Seguridad Social: Preparados para el análisis con los trabajadores

Caribbean Broadcasting Union Meets in Havana

Cuban unionist: The workers key participants in revolution
Gilda Chacon is the Asia, Oceania, Africa and Middle East representative of the Cuban Confederation of Trade Unions (CTC) and an elected delegate of the People’s Power Municipal Assembly. Green Left Weekly’s Annolies Truman interviewed her during her August 17 – 20 visit to Perth to liaise with WA trade unions.

En las inversiones
Déficit de constructores, un lastre de consideración
-María Julia Mayoral
La economía cubana está obligada a usar racionalmente sus limitados recursos. Esto llevará a postergar cuantas inversiones no sean imprescindibles de inmediato; pero dentro de los márgenes de lo posible, decisivas obras corren el peligro de retardarse. ¿Una causa básica? El déficit de constructores.

Chavez Tours Cuba-Venezuela Shipyard
Caracas, Aug 24, (PL).- President Hugo Chavez toured the Cuba-Venezuela joint venture Astilleros de Maracaibo y el Caribe (ASTIMARCA) in Maracaibo, Zulia.During his visit, Chavez said the shipyard may also extend services to other countries, mainly in the Caribbean.The floating dock with capacity to repair 328-feet long, 1,500-ton ships was built in the former Soviet Union, and tugged from Havana to Maracaibo.Some 65 Cubans are assessing the Venezuelan workers who studied ship building and welding in Cuba under a program for know-how exchange and technology transfer. PDVSA, key client of the shipyard, report monthly savings of $21 million just in tug hiring. Alain Anrreu, head of the Cuban repair team, said that the installation of the floating dock at La Salina pier in Cabimas, Lake Maracaibo, speeds up ship repairs.

Venezuelan-Cuban company repairs oil-gas corp vessels
CARACAS, August 24 (Itar-Tass) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Saturday inspected the Venezuelan-Cuban company that started to repair vessels of the state-run oil and gas corporation Petroleos de Venezuela. Cuba provided a floating dock for Venezuela. The dock was supplied to Havana in the Soviet times. Work of the joint company will allow reducing expenditures almost in half to serve and repair vessels of the corporation, company employees told the president. Venezuela is the world's fifth for oil export and has its own fleet to transport it. Chavez highly appraised cooperating with Cuba in the economic alliance Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) founded in late 2004 to couterbalance the failed U.S. initiative to create a free trade zone of Americas. In a live television broadcast, Chavez said he believed Fidel Castro watched it and gave his revolutionary regards to the Cuban leader, with whom he maintains friendly relations.

AZÚCAR-CUBA: Inversiones extranjeras aún no llegan al ingenio

In Havana, waiting for Obama or for Putin?
Current strategic and economic realities argue for dealing with the communist Cuban regime "as is" - not insisting on regime change as a precondition for improving relations.

Tropical Storm Gustav heads for vulnerable Haiti
http://www.reuters.com/article/homepageCrisis/idUSN25418913._CH_.2400, http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/,

Energía XXI
Santiago de Cuba por mayor aprovechamiento de las fuentes renovables
En esta provincia del oriente cubano ciencia e ingenio popular desbrozan obstáculos para contrarrestar la crisis energética mundial

Obama proposes to break with Bush policy toward Latin America
Democrat candidate for the US presidential election, Barack Obama, proposes to break with George Bush policy toward Latin American that, according to his adviser, would be continued by his Republican rival John McCain. The solution is to make way for an "active diplomacy", including Venezuela and Cuba, the main adviser of Senator Obama for the region told AFP. Daniel Restrepo said that "democracy is not confined to elections". Obama's advisor underlined that Obama has expressed his "concern" with the "undemocratic way in which Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez is governing Venezuela, his Anti-American rhetoric and policy, and his attempts to influence the internal processes of other countries." After years of tensions in the relationship between Bush and Chávez, Senator Obama is proposing a change. According to Restrepo, "part of the problem has been the mismanagement of Bush administration, who faced rhetorically Chávez and celebrated the failed coup d'Etat on April 11, 2002. This gave a boost to Chávez," Restrepo admitted. "The lack of a determined policy and the lack of attention left a vacuum in the region and Chávez tried to fill it with his anti-American rhetoric, with a diplomacy based on petrodollars," Restrepo added.In the case of Venezuela, Restrepo has proposed two solutions. First, "to fill the vacuum left by Bush by offering another perspective and a new relationship with all the countries of the Hemisphere." The second solution, much more spectacular, would be to "talk directly to Chávez at the right time chosen by Obama and in a place that would also be chosen by the Venezuelan president."

Chavez' Andean Offensive
Economic freedom and individual liberty are under attack in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Entrevista a Leonardo Boff, teólogo de la liberación
"Sin utopías, nos empantanamos en los intereses individuales"