Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Left Cuban Territory without victims
PINAR DEL RIO, Cuba, Aug 30 (acn) The eye of hurricane Gustav left Cuban territory through the La Palma municipality in this province, after inflicting considerable damage in western Cuba.Civil Defense officials in Pinar del Rio said the most significant events during the passage of the hurricane included its strong winds, which at some points reached 300 kilometers per hour, with a severe impact on house roofs and other infrastructure.Rainfall accumulates were only over 50 millimeters in localities like Viñales and Bahia Honda, while no several injured people have so far been reported, despite the devastating force of the Hurricane during its passage on the locality of Paso Real de San Diego. However, while the eye of the hurricane abandoned the national territory, winds will continue to blow for the next hours particularly in the eastern part of the western province.

Gustav se adentra en el Golfo de México tras azotar Cuba con vientos de 240 kilómetros por hora
En Cuba no se han registrado, por el momento, víctimas mortales,

Levantarse de la embestida de Gustav
Considerado como el huracán más destructivo en los últimos 50 años. Severos daños particularmente en Pinar del Río y la Isla de la Juventud. No se reportan pérdidas de vidas humanas. Las acciones de recuperación comenzarán en cuanto la situación meteorológica lo permita,

Americas Parliament for the Cuban Five
Caracas, Aug 30 (Prensa Latina) Vice President of the Andean Parliament, Yanet Madrid, said she was sure the 8th Assembly of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas (COPA) will support the five Cuban anti-terrorists held in US prisons.The five men were condemned to prison sentences from 15 years to double life after their arrest in 1998 when they were infiltrating anti-Cuban groups operating from southern Florida."I am completely certain the issue will be on the table," the Venezuelan told Prensa Latina, alluding to a resolution recently approved in Panama to be presented at COPA in September in Mexico.The declaration supports Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez, and has already received support from the Latin American, Central American and Caribbean Parliaments."We want their rights to be respected and their families allowed to visit," she said.Flor Maria Rios, president of the National Assembly's Women's Commission, said her constituents are fully committed to the cause of the anti-terrorists and demand their complete liberty.The Venezuelan deputy also said the COPA assembly will address the extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, wanted by Havana and Caracas for his involvement in the detonation of a Cuban civil aircraft in 1976.

El anexionismo es una amenaza real
- Ricardo Alarcón
"Amenazada siempre por las secuelas de oscuras lacras seculares, implacablemente hostilizada por la nación más poderosa del planeta, víctima también de torpezas importadas o autóctonas que nunca en la historia se cometen impunemente" Reseña del libro "Ese sol del mundo moral" de Cintio Vitier
A Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René,

De cantantes punk, blogeras y demás ataques a la revolución
No nos engañemos. ¿Solidaridad? Si, con los cinco, con el pueblo cubano y con su revolución. Y con nadie más. Asi de claro

Judge strikes down Cuba travel ban for professors
In response to a lawsuit filed on behalf of FIU's faculty senate, a federal judge rejected part of a state law that prevented professors from traveling to Cuba -- listed as a state sponsor of terrorism -- on privately funded research trips.,

Si la desigualdad mata, los gobiernos que la favorecen son asesinos
Que la desigualdad mata, lo dice la OMS, aunque sea obvio. Y que los gobiernos que favorecen la desigualdad son unos asesinos, se sigue de lo anterior. ¿Empezamos a llamar a las cosas por su nombre?
-Javier Adler,

A propósito de la visita del Presidente de Ecuador a Venezuela
Latinoamérica ante el espejo de SIDOR,