Friday, August 1, 2008

Corruption in Case against Cuban Five and new appeal

Nuevas apelaciones en juicio a cubanos antiterroristas presos EE.UU.
(PL) Leonard Weinglass, abogado norteamericano de los cubanos presos en Estados Unidos por luchar contra el terrorismo, informó hoy vía telefónica los pasos del equipo de la defensa en el actual proceso de apelaciones. Hemos desplegado nuevas acciones luego del 4 de junio último, cuando una instancia judicial estadounidense dio a conocer un dictamen sobre el recurso de apelación presentado, en el cual ratificó los cargos de culpabilidad imputados a los cubanos, explicó el jurista. Solicitamos a todo el tribunal una nueva audiencia sobre la base del hecho de que la decisión del panel de junio pasado se basó en informaciones erróneas y una aplicación errónea de la ley , especificó Weinglass al espacio radiotelevisado Mesa Redonda. Los abogados de la defensa presentaron el pasado día 24 un documento de reconsideración de la causa ante la Corte del Onceno Circuito de Atlanta. El grupo de la defensa, abundó, se reunió en Nassau y allí planificó una estrategia para enviar copias de nuestros alegatos al tribunal y ahora estamos a la espera del resultado . Fernando González, Ramón Labañino, René González, Antonio Guerrero y Gerardo Hernández cumplen extensas condenas por ayudar a monitorear planes terroristas contra Cuba, organizados desde la Florida por grupos de ultraderecha. Nuestra mayor preocupación es que la decisión judicial se basó en la ficción de que Cuba tenia el plan de actuar en aguas internacionales para derribar avionetas, cuando de hecho el plan era defender su espacio aéreo, lo cual es legal , aseguró Weinglass.

Alarcon Denounces Corruption in Case against Cuban Five
HAVANA, Cuba, August 1 (acn) The President of the Cuban Parliament, Ricardo Alarcon, said on Thursday that the US Government is guilty of corrupt practices in the case of five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States after almost 10 years.Speaking at the prime time radio and television program ‘The Round Table’, Alarcon stressed that Washington has failed to comply with or ignore its public duties, which has been perceived in the behavior of all government officials involved in the case against Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Fernando Gonzalez and Antonio Guerrero – internationally known as the Cuban Five – since their arrest in 1998 for infiltrating anti-Cuba extremist organizations in South Florida that were planning and carrying out terrorist actions against the Caribbean nation.Regarding the most recent US denial of visas to Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez – wives of Rene and Gerardo, respectively - to visit their husbands, the president of the Cuban Parliament explained that Olga received a notification describing her as ‘ineligible’ for having been expelled from the country while Adriana was told that her case was still being analyzed, as on seven previous occasions.Alarcon stressed that, from the very beginning, the US Government and all those US officials involved in the case, have violated their duties and have acted in a fraudulent way.The Cuban top legislator recalled that last week, the defense team of the Cuban Five submitted appeal statements against a ruling last June by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta that ratified the guilty verdicts against the Five.On that occasion, an appeals panel revoked the sentences against Fernando (19 years), Ramon (life sentence plus 18 years) and Antonio (life sentence plus 10 years) and sent their case back to the ‘first instance’ judge, that is, to Judge Joan Lenard of the Miami Dade Federal District Court. In addition, the panel upheld the sentences against Rene (15 years) and Gerardo (two lifetime sentences plus 15 years).During the radio and television program on Thursday and speaking via telephone from the United States, defense attorney Leonard Weinglass explained that they asked for a new hearing alleging that the June decision by the appeals panel was made based on erroneous information and not on real facts.

Alarcón en la Mesa Redonda
Hay que proseguir la lucha por la liberación de Los Cinco,

Cuba: los fantasmas de la "disidencia" y algunos reporteros cazafantasmas...
El deseo inconfesado de buena parte de los reporteros extranjeros que llegan es el de poder ser testigos directos de alguno de los innumerables hechos con los que la guerra mediática ideada por el imperio estigmatiza a la isla revolucionaria...
-Nancy Valiño,

Pan American Health Organization Places Cuba as World Leader
(acn) Cuba is one of the countries that advances the most in the world with regard to medical attention, said Mirtha Roses Periago, director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The PAHO director is currently in the Cuban city of Cienfuegos where she toured several different health centers. She pointed out that Cuba offers a wide variety of activities and services related to health, and is a founding member of PAHO, which was established 106 years ago. The UN official spoke to the press about the work carried out by Cuba with respect to its aging population and about new issues such as climate change, skyrocketing oil and food prices, and food security. Roses Periago, who came to Cuba for the first time in 1985, said that movement for healthy municipalities began in Cienfuegos to promote healthy living. She said that the study period to define ministry plans and needs for the next five years concluded last year along with discussions to define cooperation efforts up to 2015, related with the Millennium Goals. Roses Periago said that Cuba has met the needs identified several decades ago to train more healthcare professionals and provide more clinics in towns.

Anteproyecto de Ley de Seguridad Social
La población cubana continuará disfrutando de seguridad social para todosUna vez incorporadas las consideraciones emitidas por los diputados y las que se recibirán de las consultas previstas con los trabajadores, se redactará el proyecto de Ley que se someterá a la aprobación de la Asamblea Nacional en la próxima sesión ordinaria, a finales de año,

Wife, friends of anti-Castro Cuban seek pardon
-By LAURA WIDES-MUNOZ - AP - Supporters are seeking a presidential pardon for an anti-Castro activist sentenced to life in prison plus 35 years for the murder of a Cuban diplomat and other bomb and weapons-related charges.,

Anti-Cuba Circles in the US Try to Get Pardon for Terrorist of Cuban Origin
(acn) US Republican representatives of Cuban origin Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart are promoting a campaign in the United States to get presidential pardon for terrorist Eduardo Arocena, who is currently in prison.In the same way that Ross-Lehtinen secured her election to the US Congress some years ago when she promoted the release of terrorist Orlando Bosch, the three Republican representatives now try to release terrorist Arocena, Granma newspaper reports. In August 1989, the New York Times confirmed that Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, of Cuban origin and member of the House of Representatives, personally requested former US President George Bush (father) to release terrorist Orlando Bosch.They are currently cooking in the US state of Florida a so-called campaign for the release of Eduardo Arocena by means of an open letter to Ross-Lehtinen and her colleagues in the House, so that they try to get the pardon for Arocena before President George W. Bush leaves office. Arocena is a fanatic, who committed assassinations for years in the United States when he headed the Omega 7 organization, termed by the FBI as “the continent’s terrorist organization.” Omega 7 claimed responsibility for the assassination of Cuban émigré Eulalio Negrin in November 1979, in New Jersey and of Felix Garcia Rodriguez, Cuba´s diplomat at the United Nations, September 11, 1980 in New York .The FBI attributed Omega 7 nearly 30 bomb attempts in New York, New Jersey and Florida between 1975 and 1983 and in 1984 Arocena said before a jury that he had introduced hemorrhagic dengue in Cuba, an epidemic that claimed 158 lives, including 101 children.

U.S. has secret war crimes court session
-AP - GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba -- The U.S. military has removed journalists from a Guantanamo courtroom for a secret session of the war crimes tribunal. It is the first time the U.S. has held a closed session at the tribunals created to prosecute alleged terrorists at the base in Cuba. Observers without security clearance were told to leave Thursday while a defense witness testified in the trial of former Osama bin Laden driver Salim Hamdan. The defendant stayed in the courtroom. The witness is Col. Morgan Banks, a psychologist with the U.S. Army Special Operations Command. Officials did not say why his testimony is being kept secret.

Raúl Castro se reúne con el vicepresidente y el secretario de seguridad de Rusia,

The Revolution 55 years after Moncada
By Saul Landau,

Reflections by Comrade Fidel:
-The Harassed Team,

Reflexiones del compañero Fidel:
- El equipo asediado
Están a punto de iniciarse los Juegos Olímpicos en China. Hace unos días escribí sobre nuestro equipo de pelota. Dije que nuestros atletas tenían una prueba muy dura y no eran ellos los que merecían las mayores críticas si algo no salía bien. Reconocí su calidad y patriotismo. Estaban deprimidos por las críticas que llegaban de Cuba.,

Petrocaribe Creates Food Fund to Tackle World Crises
(acn) In an effort to guarantee regional food security, representatives of the 18 Petrocaribe member countries created on Wednesday a food fund with an initial balance of 450 million dollars, reported Prensa Latina. During a meeting of agriculture ministers and other top authorities from the Petrocaribe member nations held in Honduras June 30, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’ initiative to create a fund to reactivate the agricultural sector in Latin America was materialized. The Petrocaribe Food Fund, which is part of the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas, will be fueled by Venezuelan oil exports at a rate of five cents for each barrel of crude oil sold on discount to Petrocaribe members at a price over 100 dollars. In addition, the participants in the agriculture summit created a Council of Ministers of Agriculture that will have its headquarters in Venezuela. The council will be in charge of defining procedures, statutes and regulations relevant to the sector. During the meeting, Hondura’s President, Manuel Zelaya, announced the incorporation of his country to the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas. The next Petrocaribe meeting will be held in Cuba, as agreed by participants in the summit, according to AP. Attending the gathering were delegations from Petrocaribe member nations Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haití, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, San Cristobal and Nieves, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Surinam and Venezuela. Attending as observers were representatives from Bolivia, Costa Rica and Ecuador.

Cuba Stresses Need for Changes in World Economy
(acn) Prosperity in developing countries will only be possible with substantial change in the current international economic and political order, said Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque at a Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) that concluded in Iran on Wednesday.Boosting South-South cooperation is what can lead to progress of the NAM nations amid the complex world situation, Perez Roque told Prensa Latina.The Foreign minister noted that developing nations have the Group of 77 plus China for economic coordination, but said the Non-Aligned Movement can also work hard in this area.Meanwhile, the Final Declaration of the 15th NAM Ministerial Conference expressed its 118 members’ demand the United States government lift its economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba and return the occupied Cuban territory used for the US Guantanamo Naval Base.Perez Roque headed his country’s delegation to the NAM meeting where he received numerous shows of support and recognition for Cuba’s efforts as the NAM chair, a position it has held since 2006.The Non-Aligned Movement ratified its unwavering support for the cause of the Palestinian people and called for compliance with the UN resolutions to stop the Israeli violations in the occupied territories.A declaration issued on the topic explicitly rejects the flagrant genocide committed with impunity on a daily basis by the Israeli Army against the civilian Palestinian population. In another document the NAM Foreign ministers praised the inter-party talks underway in Zimbabwe and called for “an immediate lifting of unilateral and arbitrary sanctions” against the African country.”

México y Cuba analizan producción conjunta de vacunas
- AP - México y Cuba firmaron el jueves una carta de intención para avanzar en mecanismos de cooperación en salud, que considera posibles acuerdos para producir conjuntamente vacunas y productos biotecnológicos.La carta de intención también considera el intercambio e información, visitas de especialistas, investigaciones conjuntas, capacitación de profesionales sanitarios y organización de seminarios y talleres, informó en un comunicado la Secretaría de Salud.El documento fue firmado por el jefe de la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios de México, Miguel Angel Toscano, y el director del Centro para el Control Estatal de la Calidad de los Medicamentos de Cuba, Rafael Pérez Cristiá.La dependencia mexicano señaló que este tipo de acuerdos iniciales permitirá a ambos países garantizar la protección de la salud de sus poblaciones, "lo cual no se puede lograr sin la cooperación internacional".

¿Jubilarse o no jubilarse?,

El papel no crece en el surco
-Por: Luis Sexto
La Revolución es la única que ha repartido tierras en Cuba. El capitalismo, en cambio, la concentró en pocos propietarios, a veces a través de la magia nocturna de cercas que caminaban o de desalojos a campesinos en los llamados realengos. Si alguna vez cedió algún pedazo fue para sacar algún provecho del sudor de los agricultores, mediante fórmulas medievales como el arrendamiento o el trabajo «a partido», es decir, la mitad o la tercera parte para el latifundista.,

La violencia de género en la construcción social de la feminidad a partir del discurso de cantantes cubanos de timba y reguetón
- por Teresa Montoya Hernández,

La cultura de hacer política
Martí, con su fina sensibilidad, no vacila en calificar la política de arte y nos aporta esta lúcida definición: La política es el arte de inventar un recurso a cada nuevo recurso de los contrarios, de convertir los reveses en fortuna; de adecuarse al momento presente, sin que la adecuación cueste el sacrificio, o la merma del ideal que se persigue; de cejar para tomar empuje; de caer sobre el enemigo, antes de que tenga sus ejércitos en fila, y su batalla preparada.,

Big brother’s shadow Raúl Castro preaches patience,

Mentiras y medios
El gobierno venezolano publica un documento en el que cuestiona la imparcialidad de este medio respecto a Venezuela"La guerra mediática contra Venezuela desde el diario español El País" (pdf),

Sudamérica Mapa político y económico
-por Pablo Stefanoni , Néstor Restivo (Tesis 11)
URL :〈=es

Europa y América Latina
Entre la represión del neoliberalismo y la imaginación utópica de los pueblos
-por Raphael Hoetmer (Alai)
URL :〈=es